
“Christopher Nolan model Harry Styles”

Wish Olenna ended up on the Iron Throne just for how brilliant every bit of dialogue would be.

No, he’s really serious. He’s gotten involved with this Hillsong Church and hangs out with a pastor who probably heard Justin’s got more money than God. I guess that’s better than getting into hard drugs or whatever, but that kid better watch his money.

Trump: “So I heard this one story, and it now applies to all 11 million immigrants!”

“They don’t want to use guns, because it’s too fast and it’s not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl—16, 15 and others—and they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die.

FOUND IT! or at least this is a similar one. From the blog:

Sounds like a vivid fantasy he harbors himself.

Well, if you can’t find it, let me know. I can send you some links to people who believe Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are secretly married and Louis’s baby is fake. That’s pretty batshit, too.

Many U.S and Canadian eating establishments have a promotion on Tuesdays regarding tacos.

I saw a Kristen Stewart/Rob Pattinson Tumblr how they’re secretly married and have a kid and them dating other people is just a pr stunt and it was the most batshit crazy thing I’ve ever seen.

My former manager’s daughter (who worked mostly remotely) would come in for a visit every now and then, and would tell anyone who listened how much she loved Twilight movies and how all the stars knew her and loved her and she was best friends with them.

RPatz had people scratching their necks open and offering to let him drink. Dude is allowed to be freaked out for forever over that.

She has been on the right side of a lot of shit and no one EVER gives her credit. She is not a terrible person.

She’s been pretty open and verbal about PP and BLM for awhile now

If Kim Kardashian West can mobilise her fans to come out in support of the ACA then we should stop bitching about her for a month.

I love Chrissy Teigen. And I’m jealous, because I’ve been trying to get Donald to block me, too. Actually, she should now move on to Ted Cruz. That would be life goals for me.

Faith American is a garbage name for a brewery. Sounds more like a retailer that would sell star spangled crucifixes.

You spelled “definition” wrong.

I am ridiculously excited for this movie. I’m really happy to see that after making two Thor movies with a somewhat serious tone, the studio is going FUCK IT, WE’RE JUST GOING TO MAKE IT AN 80s METAL MOVIE.

And Hela. Is. Everything.

Seeing Hiddleston back as Loki in the the Thor: Ragnarok trailer really drives home how one bad PR move can really suck the sex out of a symbol.