
The first time Mr Snap and I tried to date, it didn’t work out. Sometimes it would be good, and sometimes it would just be awkward and we weren’t clicking. So we broke up... and by that I mean he dumped me. But he was so kind and respectful about it, and we’d only dated about 3 months, that though I was heartbroken

HEY i tried to get an iud this afternoon but apparently i have a FORTRESS for a cervix. 

Here’s one thing. She demanded Capers the moment she got there.

Go on...

As someone who was on set that day....everything he’s saying is true. Watching the playback the next day was astounding. She had a few more demands that I’m surprised he didn’t mention.

Not a Darwin he has two kids, his genes have spread.

I saw the headline on the NY Times and assumed it was a 9mm or something similar. How could anyone think a goddamn hand cannon could be stopped by a hardcover?

What, you mean that a .50 caliber pistol round, designed to be primarily used for hunting very big game or punching through substantial body-armour and still injuring or killing the target in warfare, wouldn’t be stopped by a fucking book?

Re: Foster & Jenner

So, Asahd can sense evil. What a cute and smart baby.

...I HATE that I’m actually sorta grinning at Cruz’s pretty solid gif usage. Booooooo on me.

Newborns do not do a lot.

He’s aged pretty damn well, I’m just sayin’. Still would.

There’s not much else to say. “Jack enjoys his spare time making hand-rolled sushi, scanning e-bay for antique books, and playing theme hospital”

is this real?  how did i miss this?

I just read an article where Marlene says that Wren was originally going to be A, but they couldn’t get the actor for the amount of time needed or something. They were definitely hinting at him.

Chris Hays is, like, real invested in this, y’all.