
I have waited tables in Missouri (which is pretty racist) so I want to explain the vicious cycle of racism at restaurants. A black couple comes in. Nobody wants to take their table (because racism/”black people don’t tip”). Someone takes the table, is a shitty server, doesn’t check on them, is barely polite, gets a

Or—and bear with me on this because it’s a radical concept—she experiences a high level of racism as a Black woman with a bit of change in her pocket and instead of just dealing with it as most of us do on a regular basis, has decided to call it out more often.

I too can play the game of “dog in four boxes.”

Meet “Vanny.”

Or Puppy McPuppymill

I have to be honest. I was shocked when I read Sienna Miller was only 35. I would’ve thought 40-42. Not because she looks it, but because it feels like she’s been around FOREVER. For the last decade she was always touted as the next big thing and it never happens. I didn’t realize just how young she was when she first

i do not have sienna miller permanence - as soon as i close this browser tab, i will have forgotten who she is.

Yup, I worked with him once. He was generally pleasant to the cast and crew, but he had a strong “I’m too good for this shit” attitude. (Which was funny because he was NOT our first choice for the role.)

This is the perfect summation - i used to think that Pete Holmes and TJ Miller were the same person on Doug Loves Movies because they were always imitating each other and neither was famous enough (pre-Silicon Valley) that I knew who they were.

A friend of mine works in video production and had the (mis) fortune of working with TJ Miller and will attest Miller is a rude and obnoxious asshole of the highest order. My friend says he cannot watch SV due to him seeing TJ’s shitty behaviour up close.

“I didn’t talk to Alec because I don’t like Alec”

I waffle on TJ Miller, he can absolutely seem insufferable but he is a funny guy. I’ve listened to a few of his interviews on Pete Holmes’ (also insufferable but sometimes funny) podcast and he comes off as annoying but intelligent and it’s very confusing for me. I want to like him but I think he’s trying to make me

I’ve seen a few episodes of the show and after reading these excerpts it has become clear to me the person he was playing on the show isn’t a character but himself.

I have no fucking clue who T.J. Miller is but he sure sounds like an asshole.

I’m doing a lot as a public servant and jester to the American public.

I’d rather watch Willard Scott make out with 100 year old jam jar face Edna McOlderthandirt than these two jamokes.

I must be weird or something, but I just cannot like Matt Lauer. I don’t know why, but he just creeps me out for some reason. Not a fan.

You know how there’s a kid in high school that draws a cartoon of Bugs Bunny suckling from the teet of a cow, and the cow has a dollar sign on it, and then the kid is like, “MY ART IS SOCIAL COMMENTARY!”

That’s basically Banksy. It’s very surface level social commentary that feels more like the graffiti equivalent of a

Why the Banksy hate Jezebel? This article sounds like the kid at school who is too cool for EVERYTHING and hates it ALL.

Now playing

Well, if it’s him then props, because I love Massive Attack.

I hate everyone!!