
As much as I wanted to drink in how out of his mind he sounded, I am genuinely having a hard time laughing. That sounded like dementia. He conflated two separate investigations and kept mixing up names. It was really concerning.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

God I hope this is an actual screenshot

He explained: “The president tweeted on Friday, after I got fired, that I better hope there’s not tapes. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night, because it didn’t dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our original conversation, there might be a tape. So my judgment was, I need to

Wow @ the pearl clutching in the comment section already. Who cares if a 19 year old woman has her ass hanging out? The amount of clothes she wears has nothing to do with her talent or career. Also, showing some skin when you’re young does not set you up for a lifetime of trauma and embarrassment. Super surprised to

Hah! I read the headline thinking, “Sounds familiar.” And then the mom said “She needs to grow up.” Exactly what my mother said after inviting herself on my trip to India to meet my husband’s parents and being denied because she’s a racist asshole who didn’t believe me when I told her I was raped at 15 and made me

Britney has that “Running out to the 7-11 for some Winston Ultra Lights” aesthetic and she is sticking with it, by God.

I would say that even at 19 a parent has very right to step in and give advice when their kid is going off track. BUT not to the media.

Goddamnit if your baby comes out at 4 pounds or under you need to take that baby to the hospital you dumb shits

If you believe in God and think that God made Man in His image, why wouldn’t you believe that God gave Man the intelligence to heal? Why don’t you see medicine as God answering prayers to heal? I mean, I don’t see these same people praying to God when their cars need an oil change.

Their faces (especially the dad’s) look horrifyingly content for people just booked for killing their infant child.

Pro tip kids- don’t form a band with your brother. Some famous feuds:

I was always Team Blur because Oasis were so bloody chippy. Nice to see some things never change.

You’d never expect that those 2 brothers wrote a song called “Don’t Look Back in Anger”

Thank you. I got my tubes removed last year (by choice). Best decision of my life so far. I feel really at peace with my decision not to have kids. And would appreciate it if unimaginative fuckheads could keep their bullshit opinions about kids and “that love” to their hotdamn selves. I would imagine that language is

I’m with you. before I had a kid, I hated this sort of language, and now that I have a kid, I hate it even more. It’s so false and ridiculous.

Yes, but if Taylor Swift dates someone and doesn’t release two dozen leaks about how cutesy and in love they are by July 4th, have at least 10 not-at-all orchestrated pap walks caught in perfect HD, and have each member of her squad mention how this is the one and how they are super serious, then is she really dating

It’s 100% as orchestrated as the rest of her life. This she-droid hasn’t had an independent or original thought in the past decade plus.  

I get that celebrities have a hard time keeping secrets but this feels just as orchestrated as her public relationships. It’s like when someone keeps telling you they have a secret just so you’ll ask what it is