
Charlamagne and Wendy Williams will probably never speak again and that’s fine with me.

I will say that it does become harder for women to have children in their late 30s... so like, if you want kids what are you gonna do? I don’t want to have kids, so that doesn’t matter to me, but I imagine it is what some people worry about.

I always refuse a breathalyzer when I haven’t been drinking.

Plus it says not to drink right on the prescription label. Only Lucille Bluth gets a pass for that.

Totally believe you, Tiger!

Impaired driving is impaired driving. I don’t care if it’s booze, Percocet or anything else - if you are even slightly impaired, don’t get behind the wheel.

Queen Elizabeth lived through the London blitz and at 19 worked as a driver and mechanic in the ATS.

This. She was a fucking *mechanic* and military truck driver during WWII while she was still a princess. This has always been my favorite bit of trivia about her.

Queen Elizabeth II is a classy broad. If she were to eat popsicles, she’d eat cherry-flavored ones on a porch in rural Scotland. And keep the champagne for later. And not Tweet about either one.

Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.

Wow, make champagne popsicles is the new let them eat cake. I never got that memo. Nice.

For fuck’s sake, Gwyneth Paltrow would have more class and self-awareness in the White House.

Too bad domestic violence doesn’t get politicians headlines the way that !!ISLAMIC EXTREMISM!! does. Nevermind that three women are killed a day by husbands or intimate partners.

“My intentions was to have God kill me. I ran out of bullets,” he said. “Suicide by cop was my intention.”

The Ryan Seacrest bit made me cackle out loud. He’s got so much money for lots of projects but he’s only really known to the masses as the AI judge, whereas Katy is known by just about everyone, even if it’s just because she shot whipped cream from her chest.

Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]

Yeah, Cosby, because the thought of someone making you ingest something against your will and knowledge is pretty fucking horrifying, huh?

I actually ordered pancakes with ricotta cheese yesterday ON PURPOSE and they were incredibly delicious.

This lady, in additon to being a racist, sounds like a special class of fruit loop (O pioneer, if you move to a predominantly black neighborhood, maybe expect to see black folks standing on the sidewalk outside of your house?). But WTF is going on with the Southampton police? Per the Press: