
She really commits. Loved it when she told off her tormentor with “I do things because I want to. Like, boning my brother? THE BEST. Anyway, here’s a walking corpse to kill you bit by bit. See ya!”

It is Ser Friendzone’s greyscaled hand.

I love Cersei. She’s so horrible. It’s fantastic.

Lena Headey is gorram perfect.

Your hatred makes my nipples hard with schadenfreude.

Anyone think there was foreshadowing in “We’re the last Lannisters.” *deliberate beat* “The last ones who count.”? The ONE bonkers fan theory I reeeeeeally want to play out.

I would watch this show. I would also watch a Arya-Hound adventure spin-off or a Bronn-Pod spin-off.

Ohhh, I know who’s hand this is...

It’s like storyline porn. A whole lot of build up of torture foreplay just so some people can get murdered. I CANT WAIT.

Reavers to the west of me, Dragons to the east,

I don’t get from this she’s actually disputing any of the presented claims, only that she has not “lied” about them?

The defamation was “Rebel Wilson is lying about her age,” and not “Rebel Wilson is 33.”

the journalist KNEW that the claims were false

I think her argument is not necessarily that she isn’t getting jobs for lying about her age (not that she did) but that the people who would be giving her jobs now believe that she’s actually 33, rather than 26. And I think the over/under thirty is a big thing for actresses, especially the ones whose rolls tend to be

Everyone dies except for Tyrion and Varys who go to Essos to stage their hit comedy show “0.5 Men”.

Good. I hope the judge sides with her. I hated these “stories” when they came out and thought they stank of jealousy—and I never blame jealousy for anything. I strongly suspect that they went after her because she was hugely successful, definitely plus size and unapologetically sexy. Everyone knows that actors fluff

Maybe I’m real dumb, but in an industry where people are known for changing their names and age is an issue....why would a rumor of someone changing their name and fudging their age BE cause for not hiring them? I don’t understand Hollywood.

In emails published by ABC News Online in Australia, Nementzik reveals that research indicates Wilson had never misrepresented her age, and has admitted her real name is Melanie. As such, over the coming months, Woman’s Day was reportedly discouraged from posting an article about her by their legal team. But when Pitc