
Blow job impeachment? Nobody in their right mind took that seriously.

Yeah I am inclined to give Tyra the benefit of the doubt at the moment. It takes a certain kind of famewhore to not only go on a reality show, but to then do an act based on the birth of their child on said reality show.

More to the point, are they really trying to tell us that this took place in front of them and they did nothing, although it was “obviously” horrible for their child?

I don’t know if I believe this - TyTy is often horrible but I don’t get her being physically abusive to a child.

The President’s mature and dignified response involved calling the perpetrators of the bombing “losers”. Because in the face of a tragedy, you always want to hear the leader of the free world using playground taunts.

Yeah but people feel like they “know” her. She’s less anonymous. It makes sense to focus your sympathy on someone that feels more tangible. People do it all the time. Do you really think that people saying pray for Ariana aren’t concerned with everyone else? I think a more generous reading is warranted.

ISIS would take responsibility for a ham sandwich.

I’m with Grande on this one. No words, no gifs. This was a terrible tragedy.

But that’s how employment works. There’s no guarantee that your employee will stick around forever, and I would guess that in the entertainment/dance world, you come to expect that people leave productions for other jobs.

Well, if a contingency plan was in their contract, then Swift’s people would’ve known from the beginning that there’s a chance they could leave.

Ugh this feud is so boring and stupid I am not rooting for either of them. However, I will say that this “reason” from Katy Perry isn’t the exoneration she seems to think it is. Encouraging your dancers to take another job but telling them how to do it so they can quit halfway through and join hers is still shitty,

I know so many people who would kill to be a backing dancer for Taylor Swift or Katy Perry (Haiiii!!!). Is there really only 3 dancers available?

It takes a very special type of coward to volunteer to blow up kids. I cannot even imagine the beyond fucked up mindsets that did this. Fuck them, fuck all of them that were involved.

Not just on twitter. Look at fucking Gizmodo.

Or, you know, recognize what a waste of energy Twitter slapfights are and ignore them. They’re not gonna be the first people in history to go “oh, I never saw it that way until you came along. I apologize!”

Never seen so many assholes show up on twitter so fast. If you are gonna go on Twitter be ready to get slapped by a SERIOUS wave of racism and xenophobia. Be ready, be strong, conserve your energy, pick your battles and then those who go way too far - fucking let them have it. 

Until a dedicated post about the incident in Manchester goes up; a note about fast breaking news - especially since trolls are already putting fake missing people reports into the social media news stream:

Being mean doesn’t suit me and leaves me feeling dirty.

This person terrifies me.