
“Getting ready for my big foreign trip.” Seriously, “big”? Come on, “foreign”? JFC, is there anything that comes out of this guy’s mouth that doesn’t sound like the utterance of a fourth-grader?

There is a 0% chance that 45 doesn’t say something totally insane, even for him, on this trip. It is going to be long, boring, and he won’t be able to go golfing. He is going to be grouchy as a baby on a roadtrip with a dirty diaper.

Hours after dick pic enthusiast and serial harasser Anthony Weiner pled guilty for transferring obscene material to

I want all the emeralds. My engagement ring is emerald with diamonds, and I want emerald earrings for my wedding.

Oh. my. god. That expression on her face is beyond nauseating. Adoring and somehow pleading at the same time. Sums it all up, doesn’t it?

This is on the same album as those other two. So, she recorded it long before the sales of the other two were known.

Agreed. Especially because Taylor is giving all of us a break from her. I know it’s a pr move and it’s all to benefit her bottom line in the long run. But still. Katy is taking Taylor’s self imposed exile as an opportunity to try and run up the scoreboard with no players on the field. Also that song was not good.

I am probably alone here but this whole “feud” makes me like Perry less and less. She comes off as really petty to me. She seems to be the one intent on keeping it alive.

This angers Robin and Brennan! Do you want to know why? Because they would like to turn the land into a marijuana farm.

I’m disappointed that Rosie is telling people to be nice to Ivanka. Yes, it is shitty to be Disgusting Daddy’s favorite, I’m sure. He gives off definite psychological incest vibes, and I hope he never acted on his interests. However, Ivanka is a married, adult woman who was handed a shitload of money and power and is

She half-heartedly did it with her lead single that was, ironically, very much on message with Ruby’s second tweet, i.e. “how can we keep letting ourselves get distracted when the wOOOOOOORLD, you guys?” and claiming that this new album was going to be political and have a MESSAGE and Hillary Clinton is her best

The documents also allege that Harvey damaged her “soul.”

Leonardo DiCaprio and Nina Agdal are done.

And now Leo will go to Cannes, and find another young Victoria’s Secret model upon whose youth he will feast until she reaches old age pre-maturely at 25, all her vigor and joie de vivre sucked out by Hollywood’s most beloved wolf-succubus mixed-breed.

I would have personally chosen to call him a “Huge Shithole” in the headline, but I also feel it’s our unique ways of thinking that make Gizmodo Media Group’s diverse portfolio of online platforms so compelling.

I’m always get sad when I’m reminded Bella Thorne is a celebrity and probably wealthy.