
I know this is going to sound like sacrilege to some, but I feel like Fresh Prince was my generation’s (I’m 32) version of the Cosby Show. As in, it went a long way towards “normalizing” black families to white America. Of course, we could also make the argument that it was only palatable to said white America because

Part of his whole shtick was because he thought black men were ‘corrupting’ white women. Which probably means some woman he liked chose a black man over him.

Why won’t the media report on this terrorism? Are they afraid of not being PC?!

When will white people address their culture of violence?

How was he radicalized? Where was he praying? Why didn’t neighbors report him?

And, seriously, how many uncomfortable encounters do we want to estimate he’s had with women? I predict all of them. This is the face of a man who has told a woman “put the lotion in the basket” more than once, I’ll tell you what.

Unfortunately, this will continue. As POC and women and gay people and trans people stand up for themselves as full citizens of this country, entitled white dudes will continue to feel like something is being taken away from them. It is sickening.

On what planet can she not “hack it live”? She’s had a massively successful and critically acclaimed tour for the last year. There are multiple commenters raving about her tour, right in this very comment section. Jesus Christ.

Ann Wilson from Heart did too so much so her sister Nancy used to do extended guitar solos so Ann could collect herself.

Don’t worry, you know Adele has no filter. She’s thinking out loud, mulling over the possibility. It doesn’t mean retiring from touring is her intention at this time.

This is so creepy and I feel weird now.

It’s all a series of tricks and jumps with no underlying technique or form. It’s truly horrifying to watch.

While I believe that AbbyLM is a POS, I also believe the producers are collectively a big POS. I remember one episode when she was really upset and they furtively filmed her eating her feelings away in a car. It was such a personal, vulnerable, HUMILATING moment that my heart kinda broke (I’m not a monster) but just

I was likely never going to be able to see Adele perform live, so her decision means little to me. But I empathize with her over her stage fright. Wish she didn’t have to suffer that.

No, Adele no, we need you and your magical voice