
Remember how Republicans were wailing about Pelosi’s saying “you have to pass this bill to find out what’s in it”? At least the ACA had actual committee hearings, amendments, expert testimony, debate etc. This is just a complete cluster-fuck from the GOP.

Viagra and prostate cancer.

I think their goal is “nothing.”

“And once we get it done, and then we can have the chance to really explain it.”

insurance companies may no longer be required to cover prenatal care, maternity and newborn care, mental health, prescription drugs, emergency visits, hospitalization, outpatient care, preventative care, and more.

Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!

This, folks, is the great negotiator, Donald J. Trump, at work. Not hard to see why he’s run so many businesses into the ground....

Woody quit weed?????

My husband has developed some weird digestive problem and he has to fly all the time and he’s been worried about being on the plane with his weird guts, so I now say “Shart your pants!” for good luck. So far no sharts!

He really needs to go to the doctor.

I just felt like sharing.

Kristi didn’t mean any harm!

Men can get breast cancer, less prevalent, however I hope they all get that now

“Whoa, there little lady: you can’t expect insurance to cover bells and whistles upgrades, like those breasts and ovaries! Should have gone with the basic model...”

It’s amazing how neatly this (depressingly common) opinion showcases how we consider men the default and women a weird aberration.

tfw mom lets you wear pull-ups.

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

That Mike Huckabee piece is garbage. He can’t just say that the NEA should be saved. He starts by making sure his readers know he’s not talking about “hateful high-dollar Hollywood and music-industry stars”. But then there’s this.

AHCA crashing and burning? This is not a surprise. The GOP, both in Congress and across the country, is NOT really a single party any longer, but rather (at least) two very different political parties—the Tea Party/alt right and the remnants of “moderate” Republicans/conservatives and their allies—artificially united