This is boring, but I’d sock it away and live off the interest until I get this dissertation written. It would afford me a couple more semesters after my funding runs out.
This is boring, but I’d sock it away and live off the interest until I get this dissertation written. It would afford me a couple more semesters after my funding runs out.
“Alas. The plainspoken Southern man’s-man cosplay has worked out pretty well for the Bush men over the years, but down to their mayonnaise marrow they’re still effete New England aristocracy and always will be. It isn’t just nature, either: Jeb came up in the same elite Massachusetts handshaking school that gave the…
I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve meet someone new and the phrase “there’s too many Mexicans!” comes out within 5 minutes. I’d be happily retired.
Yes, my stealth Mexican sister blends in pretty well in her super-Anglo Houston suburban neighborhood and gets all kinds of reconnaissance.
We’re from the regio McWigglesnatches line. We like our carne asada and our cabrito bien frito. (I actually don’t care for cabrito.)
We call the super-gueros in our family “stealth Mexicans.”