
Did you not finish the season?

Not where I’m probably going.

Baron Davis does seem like an upgrade.

Yeah, people seem to think I posted this in criticism of her. It was actually in criticism of the tweet pointing her out.

So we’re going to have a whole thread where we bash this unknown girl for her clothing choice? *Insert Lucille Bluth Eyeroll Gif*

White people move themselves here and are shocked, SHOCKED, that there are black people milling about freely and many of them aren’t the poors.

Bill Maher is trash.

I’m not a detective, but if someone is inviting you to Ikea on the first date they’re a murderer.

Truth. 13 months nearly broke me.

Now you’ve done it.

In her defense, South Florida would drive anyone to a drunken rampage. #IMadeItOutAlive

It CAN, however, bail you out of jail! was West Palm Beach.

So, she chose a name that she likes so you’ve decided that means she doesn’t respect her background and culture?

Whatever. I’ve enjoyed pretty much every movie of his immensely and I’ll be here for this one too, “sensitivity” be damned. As for whether or not he can add anything ‘meaningful’, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did just that. There have been countless WWII movies made and yet Tarantino managed to make his mark on that

She could nail that Patricia Krenwinkel tho.

Stern appears to be a perfect example of how a person can really grow for the better.

His early life is remarkable, and makes him profoundly qualified to speak on this subject. Thanks for bringing this up, I had no idea prior to researching your comment.

Black people wearing "preppy" clothes can never be appropriation since appropriation involves a DOMINANT culture taking from an oppressed one.