
Your cheekbones, they are graceful.

The song actually has positive reviews. The reason why people hate it is not because it's a good song, it's *too* catchy for some people, like stuck in your head catchy. I think it's a good song.

What about games like GTA IV and Heavy Rain? Scribblenauts? Batman Arkham City? And as for Assassin's Creed, the only one worth GotG is ACII. I think you left some out, and some on your list I wouldn't include. Good list though.

I did not mean you, as in yourself. It was an example and your conceited self knows that. And just because you don't own the games doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City were big sellers, so there are lots of people that may or may not buy the game twice, and I'm guessing not.

Well, I said that because I would want other people to film me for my videos, and not everyone knows how to focus a DSLR. It's not hard to learn, but my friends aren't the brightest people in the world. No, I don't have money to pay a pro to do it for me.

Exclusive features will make you buy the game again? Those games are for the Batman and Ninja Gaiden fans out there, and they've all bought it already. You think a new suit or a new level will make them spend another $60? If you consider that worthwhile, more power to you.

Shoot, I didn't know the T3i (or T2i) didn't have AF for video. I was going to use that just as much as the camera, so AF would be bonus.

I disagree. No killer games that weren't released beforehand. If I were reading a list of synonyms for "safe," this is what I would see.

I tried so hard to like it. I played it during the beta or whatever, and it was fun to have more freedom than SC4, but it was so unnecessarily complicated to me, or at least it didn't offer a beginners option that made the game simpler (not easier). I haven't tried the newer one, so maybe it improved. I also thought

It uses a dock, so I'm speculating that would be awkward to hold to charge and play. I have never used anything like this, so I'm just speculating.

The real problem is you can charge and play. Apparently, the controller charges like the 3DS, inductive charging.

Just for WWDC. Apple's logo is still silver.

Cities XL is not fun at all. I hated it and it was way too complicated. I could never get a city of more than 20,000 people. Maybe I just sucked, but I'm very good at Sim City games, so something is wrong.

No one wants to bet with you, because they would lose. It's all a ploy, although what stops them from dropping the online only feature when they cut the servers? That's almost too cruel, even for EA.

I'm going to enjoy cracking this one!

My reaction.

Yeah, because Microsoft would totally allow that.

Yep. It's not that expensive as the price tag suggests.

I'm going to use this to download Firefox.

Dear God, I throw so many turnovers in that game. All the opponents are psychic, and half the ones they don't steal are lost by the receiver out of bounds or something. If you look at Dwade and LeBron, these guys are throwing pinpoint NFL caliber passes on a nightly basis, yet in game they can't do that.