
I will agree with the above. I buy every other year from 2K and the game is great. The last NBA Live just didn't feel realistic at all. The movement felt like Saint's Row compared to GTA IV. 2K has also had a lot of good exclusive content with MJ in 2K11, and then all the legend modes in 2K12, so I would hope that

I've heard that this is actually part of an Onlive acquisition, and that it would be an alternative only. That makes sense, but then Onlive would lose a few games I think, such as PC based MS published games.

That's because they are driving it as an expansion, similar to The Sims. It's full blown, but it's just download only. And with their kind of track record, they need to bug test the hell out of everything.

It's because everyone hates SRS because all they do is complain about what people say. Nearly everything Reddit says is a joke, so it's full of idiots without a sense of humor.

It's free, so quit complaining.

Revenge 2 would be welcomed too!

I would say half become flops. The other half are some of the greatest from the series, like Underground, Hot Pursuit, and Most Wanted. The earlier games were also very good. It's not a disaster by any stretch of the imagination, unless that is your opinion.

How does this affect trophies?

They make more royalty money on an Xbox, so they want people to buy it there first.

I can barely download a fucking video, so I don't need this shit. Thankfully, something called "options" exists.

Fuck that preorder bonus. That's some interesting and cool content, but the season doesn't start til the end of October, so what about those of us who don't want to play until then?

Stolen from Reddit.

It feels like an obituary in here.

I meant to say not all of the top 20 games this week are the top 20 of the generation, so yes, you would have to dust off some older games to get the top 20. There are also games that were critical but not commercial successes that would be top 20 in quality but maybe not quantity.

You forgot the Underground Series, which in my opinion, was the second best NFS series to the Hot Pursuit Series.

Finally, a good game makes it to the top. BUT, there are still better games out there that deserve to be dusted off and put in the ol' disc drive.

With component? I was under the assumption component was 1080i, or maybe that it is just the same but analog.

"Half life," as in it always halves and never reaches zero. FOREVER. Still a long wait though.

Wow, didn't realize this, and the fact that Last Guardian fits that model too is amazing. "Beyond Good and Evil 2" has beyond, which is close.

Yes! I don't get people who pay $15 per month for WoW or anything else. I have friends who have played and I don't understand how they convinced their parents to fork up for their expensive habit.