
Angry fat black woman! Always fun to laugh at.

This article sucks. I'm not sure why you would write this to a group of people who love Amazon. None of us miss anything you mentioned.

They spend their time reading twitter, looking for domestic threats. How comforting.

I don't think this was a review. A review ends with "this is awesome" or "this sucks." I don't recall either.

That's silly and just as discriminatory. You're saying that as white man I can't say "Sup nigga?" to my African American friends because I'm not black?

I already understood the features weren't on par. I was talking more gameplay wise, such as how the 10" screen affected gameplay. I think that they plan to expand the game to include all the missing stuff eventually.

These are old games people. I'm talking about new games released within the past 12 months...

Where in the world are you getting these prices? In my country, every game is $60 or less unless it is a special edition.

To people who have iPads and MC:

I would agree with this notion, but the first one has no base. First off, the game is SUPPOSED to look like that. You aren't buying Crysis building blocks, you're buying a retro indie user generated content game.

If only you could get an Xbox 360 *sigh*

What about a mouth-bleed? I'll gladly put bacon in my mouth.

Ok, first off, I think we can agree that most of these artists whose products are copied online are very well off. So a few thousand less is not a big deal to someone like EA or Lil Wayne. That isn't the point though because even though it's true, it's not the reason people pirate. The way I see it, they aren't losing

I don't understand what the problem is. So what if it tells me results from Google+? Isn't that what I want? I'd want to know if my friend talked about these shoes before looking at anonymous reviews online.

Good thing I only buy new. You can already find great prices on new games on Ebay and Amazon, who are often willing to sell below MSRP. I stopped buying and selling used once I got $.90 for a two year old game from Gamestop.

I still disagree. Apple's ads have gotten better since Mac vs. PC days. Unfortunately, because of that, they don't really advertise Mac anymore, just iPhone and iPad.

Everything ends in double As nowadaays

NBA Jam's controls on the Mac are absolutely terrible!! It's a straight smartphone port. YOU CAN'T JUMP WITH SPACEBAR. You can't even remap the buttons either.

Looking for a reciprocating Lego texture pack.

It's copying, not stealing. Stealing is taking the original. Copying is using the original to make another. This is copying.