
After seeing all the capitals in the first few paragraphs, I wasn't even looking for a tl;dr. Go back to first grade Mister Rogers.

You realize they don't make/show those anymore?

That's exactly what I thought. I always thought people liked them because famous people wore them and they had shiny colored plastic.

Apple doesn't change their prices usually. Most Macs have been the same price every year, just with newer and better insides. iPhone price and iPad prices have been the same too. The only thing needed to make them cheap is inflation.

I'm pretty sure livestreaming the livestream counts as copying a stream.

Nope, I do not.

Sounds good to me.

"Prime time?" Clearly that is a pro-MPAA/RIAA statement for the TV reference. Still a douchebag in my book.

I can still access everything. I'm not sure why either.

Put a male equivalent at the booths for women too. Problem solved.

Too bad they didn't do it for the disc based one. Fuckin douchebags.

But that makes America look bad :/

It's the second and third digit that counts, not the fourth. In other words, 5770>6750 just like 6770>5750

Just got hit with a copyright notice from my school for downloading the Sims 3. Switching to Transmission so I can get that nice blocklist!

If Facebook did this, it would never pass, and we might think slightly more highly of the business.

I like this strategy. It shows that Apple really thinks about their products before sheepishly showing them off at a convention to only have half of them sell and a quarter sell somewhat well.

Oh boo hoo. I just bought my ST series in December. Oh well, I still love it!

I used to not troll...until I took a "Why We Troll" article to the eyes! LULZ

And this is why I hate music. It's just too elastic, at least to me (economically speaking).

This sign should be all over the fucking country. MOVE THE FUCK OVER IF YOU ARE GOING SLOW.