
There’s plenty of females, nearly all of them irrational. Don’t get all bent out of shape over them.

I hope you’ll all get over that hate-complex. Everybody besides yourselves isn’t racist, which is simply the left’s N-word.

Seems this lunatic syndrome is moving from more or less obvious persons to those who appear normal, keeping ahead of diagnostics. That parallels issues that begin as fringe interests and become routine.

Yes, leave him alone. Maybe he’ll get to the wedding and maybe he won’t but quit bothering him.

This looks like good news. Fewer criminals are being excused and turned loose just because they are female (or are you less dead if murdered by a female and less poor if robbed by one?)

He ends up in the news because he’s famous or notorious and people remain interested in the reason why. Detectives investigating it are probably pretty tiresome by now. Who wouldn’t be annoyed being reminded and asked to go over and over the incident by strangers.....

Well, if he’s going to be like that I just won’t be there, either.

Even if he did do some of what he’s been attacked for it doesn’t disprove his accomplishments.

I don’t see how he could come up with that. I’ve read about a few slaves who returned from Europe or Mexico with their owners when they could’ve stayed where slavery was illegal but those are individual exceptions.

They could hire girls for sex. That might make them feel better, more confident, and less deprived. They don’t seem to be bad looking guys so they ought to be able to manage that. Maybe they’re afraid women will ridicule them for it, not understanding it may be saving their own lives.....

This is part of another media stoked female hysteria like the day care molestation hysteria and the recovered memories hysteria and other fempanics that destroyed lives.

Can’t they ever just have fun?

Somewhere there’s the right place for her. She just needs to keep trying.

By allegedly doing what they were there for and supposedly paying her? Can you explain?

How much more publicity does she need?

Let’s hope this isn’t a step in the direction of denying such things happened.

Who’s as much to blame as all the females who claim this and that person molested them 50 years ago and they’ve suffered mutely and hideously every since?

It’s just a coincidence.

Well, at least it’s a better reason.

To prevent such actions you must first be aware that demands for sexual repression come predominantly from women. Men would rather have regulations making sex work safer; except for strict religious persons men don’t want to make sex unavailable.