Not where she lived as per headlines.
Not where she lived as per headlines.
Remember a few years back when the media kept obsessing every time a rich coed blonde disappeared? I think that stopped when someone brought up the number of equivalent black girls who were raped and murdered or ran away. There was one obsessive item about a missing black girl and that was that.
Yes we did. Fully automatic machine guns were sold in stores like Sears. Anyone could buy them.
What it appears to me that’s happening is that there are rare persons with a mental glitch that gets them to do things like this. In countries where there’s constant strife and fighting they’re invisible because fighting is virtually demanded. Here, where there’s little call for fighting except in some poorly…
Maybe she’ll get to be President.
Employment has more to do with the job market and not any “patriarchy”. I’m not female (and never appeared or wanted to be) and graduating in 1971 I found little prospect of employment with a BA.
Women don’t want the male pill because they don’t want to lose the power they have to reproduce or not whatever men want or for that matter need.
Another attempt at the attack of the hired bimbo tactic. It’s getting too old and overused.
There’s a tale of a soldier who carried a New Testament in his breast pocket and it stopped a bullet in battle. Maybe in the early 1800s, but since mid 1800s not even with the metal front cover supposedly issued. That’s probably where they got the idea.
I agree. I hate to see any book destroyed or even damaged.
That’s what inevitably happens when you turn to centralized government. Their laws are crafted to be more and more convenient for themselves and increasingly useful for limiting everybody.
Her victim being black probably is a factor here but the reality is that women seldom get any real punishment whatever they do, up to and including murder. Likely when they do the victim and/or victim’s family is extremely rich or else it’s a lawyer ingroup matter — her lawyers owes the judge a favor, dope, money,…
“Pablos lost her legal permanent resident status two years ago after a substance use-related arrest.”
Men don’t have much time to celebrate. We have to constantly work our behinds off so women can sit around on theirs screaming about how oppressed they are.
I suppose they don’t execute anyone over there. He’ll probably do 5 or 10 years and then be turned loose to continue his life (and maybe his crimes) while she remains dead. It won’t make a dent in people like him.
They may hire on the basis of how clearly applicants speak, how generally educated they are, and how pleasant and confident an image they project rather than on the anachronistic system of judging them by race.
Is there a difference between it being “your year” and your being marketable? And does it matter?
About 1970 I read a midcentury book called “The Next 500 Years”. According to the author nearly everybody in the world would be living in suburbs and commuting to work just like many on the US east coast and a couple of other places. Also everyone would speak English; other languages would be limited to university…
Should there be a couple of FBI agents present at all medical exams and treatments?
I smoked for a while, mainly at the university and in the army and I did notice that nicotine seemed to help focus your mind and concentrate. Other factors interfered with this due to the delivery system of smoking. Could this effect be part of what kids are seeking? They aren’t all and always just trying to piss off…