
Rational, scientific, morally superior. Democrat.

I guess what happens in an Uber doesn’t stay in an Uber.

Like 1950s journalist John Howard Griffin (or is it Griffith?) who did the same thing to turn himself black for the purpose of seeing what black people really had to put up with. Wrote “Black Like Me” detailing his experiences.

I wonder who hosed her down after they took the picture.

What does everybody have against her? Is this a girl thing?

If she can make it work I can’t knock that. Making it work, that is.

So government feels threatened and wants to distract people and unite them with a common issue.

There’s no clear guide for men as to how to behave these days. Unlike women we can’t make up the rules as we go along, knowing we’re always right.

There’s some museums in NYC I’d like to visit but otherwise I have no intention of ever going there. If I could go to the museums without actually being outside in the city I would.

She’s right about the problems in today’s world, but those are the problems always cited by people who want to set up and be the leaders of totalitarian collectivist systems.

If they want me to watch they’ll have to pop out and not pixillate.

If it pays, go with it.

You mean women have to do that? Even beautiful models?

A company that hires out token actors for such situations might make a lot of money.

Shouldn’t internal decisions be made on some basis other than guesses about other people’s politics?

He apologized, so I guess all the plack people who’ve said crap about whites will apologize.

No doubt his alleged victim blamed her state on alcohol, of which she clearly drank far too much, so why can’t he?

Can they reconstruct what she looked like?

Females don’t need a defense. They’re automatically privileged because they’re female.

And I just thought strangers and secret admirers would hack dolls to have sex with you, or at least find out what you like to do.