Most of this is hysteria caused by this or that activist rhetoric, wishful thinking, and girls today being too coddled and pampered and outright spoiled to the point of incurable self-centeredness.
Most of this is hysteria caused by this or that activist rhetoric, wishful thinking, and girls today being too coddled and pampered and outright spoiled to the point of incurable self-centeredness.
How am I to form an opinion? I never heard of it and all I get here is an attack.
I don’t like, answer, or return calls that I can’t identify and I’m not black. It’s just common sense.
“Maybe Ivanka is just really friendly and loves coming by to say hello.”
I didn’t even know the show existed, and I like Louis-Dreyfus. I only watch local news and then use the TV to fall asleep to. Guess I miss out on some things.
Congress, not the President, is supposed to make such laws. Obama usurped that power. Trump is simply returning to legal procedure and trying to leave it up to Congress, so your Reps and Senators are the people to petition.
I’ve got to say a lot of women won’t tell or show what they like or don’t. Instinctively I see this as being deceitful, but I suppose there’s a lot of reasons.
Well, I figured this out when I was barely a teenager. I didn’t know you needed guidance since it seemed instinctive to me. If she doesn’t like something, move on. If she doesn’t like it at all, move on to someone else.
Beautiful or at least pretty models don’t distract from the items they’re selling. Ordinary ones or even ugly ones, unless there’s a special reason for them, do.
If I want cooked food I eat out. Otherwise I eat stuff than doesn’t require cooking.
Better have a line of “gendered” clothes, too.
I was worried she wouldn’t be there.
All they have to do is enter the country legally.
Some movies have just the exactly right combination of actors, directors, script, etc. and can never be improved even if technology has.
You realize men often make discouraging comments to younger male competitors, right? That they offer unneeded advice as a way of making them feel bad...?
But today is it not for the best?
I once had a public utilities job in the Dallas area where I checked and took sample from various creeks and rivers. I found plenty of interesting bones, many of them dogs (why dogs? were they sick or the victims of sick people?). Once I found a horse, half cooked in an apparent campfire. Excellent skull, but who eats…
Seen one, seen ‘em all.
Whimpering Cowards Way
The parent with the most legal leverage is nearly always going to be the bigger jerk.