Motun Phillips

Did you just use the word, " think"?? Im not sure you are capable of it. Impress me.

In the next few weeks, watch out for twitter coming up with some bs reason to shut down or limit b.o.b's account of over 2 .3 million followers. He has planted a thought in their heads. Knowledge rules

Deleting comments that provide evidence of the flat earth is a revelation. Every mainstream site is doing it and that proves that they dont want that info out. Im waiting for av club to delete my new comments. Dont stop now. You already deleted my previous comments that were more detailed. :)

What is your evidence, not what someone else said?

Dont know if i can, alex. Your people here cant handle the truth being spread. Theyll soon delete my comments promoting reality so better hurry up if you want to play. :)

B.o.b gave a waaay more intelligent example and outed tyson with his own words versus tysons weak weak unimpressive response and embarasing rap diss with no scientific content. Wowzers. B.o.b has over 2 million followers so they are nervous. I get it

Many many places you can see land mass from over 100 miles away looking straight ahead, no curvature, your earth is flat sadly. Your orgasm with nasa and their cgi operation is over cuz the truth is no joke. :)

Wow av club, you exposed yourselves in an embarassing way. Were you so desperate that you made it so obvious? :) :)

Neil degrasse admitted the earth is flat on youtube. The truth is great. An atlanta rapper completely embarasses the entire science community and they are nervous and you guys are here deleting comments exposing the truth. Ha haaaaaaaaaa. :) tha truth wins. Keep on deleting and ill keep on telling the people the

The fact that you deleted all the comments pretty much proves the earth is flat. What are you hiding? Gotcha. :)

Av club deleting comments pro flat earth