
It’s disgusting that they would do anything to try and take coverage away from people on Medicaid. This has nothing to do with being “pro-life”. Medicaid is paying for basic healthcare. This has nothing to do with abortion, this is just about hatred of PP and contempt for poor people.

He is responsible for everything wrong in the world. And he got rid of that other Idol host! Finkledick or something

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

Ugh. This story’s gutted me. Those poor kids and their families.

City inspectors haven’t been able to get access to the building. A faulty fridge does not usually mean 30+ people dead. Those people were trapped and killed because they were in a labyrinth of flammable junk that obstructed walkways, doors, and windows.

This makes me think about the Russell Industrial Center in Detroit, which is like Ghost Ship on steroids. 2.2 million square feet of rudimentary art space carved out of a complex of multi-story warehouses and factories. I believe about half of it has been renovated, but a lot of it looks like Ghost Ship.

Also, this? She did this. I think this is one of her top three best covers.


I am surprised but delighted to learn that Oprah is the savage af one in their bff relationship.

Counterpoint: There is no cognitive dissonance between A) recognizing that the electoral college is a wholly undemocratic way to choose a president; and B) understanding that the electoral college is how we choose presidents, and therefore trying to work within that system to obtain a not-apocalyptic result.

“Roads, bridges, transmission lines, pipelines, wind farms, and water lines will be very difficult, if not impossible, to build when criminal behavior is rewarded this way” he said in a statement.

All it took was a group of Vets showing up and getting press. They can push Native activists to the fringe, environmental activists to the fringe, sit at home but send some money white activists to the fringe (wait em out with the news cycle), but they can’t touch vets being active.

Everyone in my family is so happy to hear this. Our reservation stands with Standing Rock.

This proves that activism; especially by badass tribal members, women, queer folks, PoC, etc.; fucking works. This is amazing news and I’m elated. But: we can’t get complacent. We still have to keep fighting. Keep donating to conservation charities. Keep calling your representatives. Keep being loud. Keep up the good

Obama’s legacy is looking pretty incredible right now.

Merkel’s Germany would be the good guys.

Those are the poor Fillipinos he’s referring to. His business partners are fantastic and exceptional.

Of course, Donald also referred to Filipinos as animals and has talked about banning all immigration from the Philippines, right? What a gem.