Moka Latte

I HATEDDDDD Flora, btw. She was such a manipulative person.

Oh, correct me if I'm wrong; because my memory is terrible. Lol. Is that what Dan screamed to Flora in San Fran? I remember they got into a big argument.

Oh, now I remember. I remember the scandal of someone almost getting their tongue bitten off. I couldn't place it with this show. Thanks.

Lmao. London was so lame to me, that I didn't even watch it. I only know of Jacinda from there. Was Neil an ass like Mr. Come and Be My Baby Tonight was?

Vegas was where it all went downhill. Steven and Trichelle? Ugh!!!

You left out, "woo woo". I hated when he sang that song. Have you seen what he does now? He makes singing videos about cooking on Youtube. Goodness, I can't remember the name of the show, but I'm sure it's not hard to find. It's too hilarious to pass up. The funniest part is he is serious.

I love San Fran. New York (1) was prob my fave; but I liked Boston, as well. I couldn't stand Montana!!!!!!! Geez.