I want Gwendolyn Christie and Miranda Hart to be on TV together being very tall and hilarious.
Gwendoline Christie is gorgeous. Someone create a worthy vehicle for this woman!
I knew a comment like this would pop up here. It’s absolutely offensive and harmful. She TRICKED people, people who trusted her, into thinking she was black when she was not and she is profiting off of that. She is making money off of telling people how she experiences being a BLACK WOMAN.
Hey, at least it isn’t overrun with orcs, like New Zealand.
I think what you have said is honestly what happened. The can was opened out of habit and the flight attendant gave a pat response out of habit as well. Most people don’t question dumb policies on planes anymore when they are done out of “safety concerns.” This just happened to have been the worst time for her to have…
I’m a flight attendant that flies for United Express. *that being said, i do not represent United** I have never heard or read any policy about no unopened cans because danger. If someone requests a full can of soda and we have plenty of the product we give it to them. Usually opened and poured over ice but that’s…
I think you’re making excuses for a practice with deeply misogynistic roots. This isn’t to single out Islam. I think there are plenty of misogynistic practices in just about all cultures, including American culture, certainly including Christian culture. But we’re supposed to just pretend that this concept of female…
Yeah, I’m sure each and every Muslim woman who wears hijab is making that decision without any pressure from family, culture, or religious leaders. Truly free!
Gonna be totally honest: I completely disagree with headscarves and the ideals they are supposed to represent for women. Yes I do find them harmful.
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to nope the crap out of your comment. I have had both a staffordshire bull terrier and a pitbull cross breed (below), and they are the most gentle, wonderful pets. Bull terriers do not deserve their reputation. Aggressive dogs are made aggressive by bad owners and bull terriers were…
What if she's, you know, acting like herself?
jealous? Women who complain about other women "not acting their age" usually have some personal issues of their own. MYOB
I think the problem is assuming anything we don't know the whole story about, to be honest. I'm going to get Jezzie shot (edit: no terrible pun intended there) for this, but I'm tired of hearing about cops-shoot-man stories where the assumption is that the cops are white racists and killed out of some kind of hate.…
What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.