
Idk what they are talking about with this no regrets bullshit. It looks like Carly immediately regretted making that stupid face.

Are Australian school systems weird? Or was she skipped two grades? Because I was in the class of 2007 and I am 27.

Whew! Good for her. That means she can still get work for four more years in Hollywood.

but is every other company....

Yeah this, basically, plus the ability of the corps to be seen as a single unified group (which is why there was such a preference toward white dancers in ballet, among many other systemic issues that excluded POC.) The thing is, if you have a dark skinned dancer next to a light skinned dancer, having them in the same

A former partner of mine, every Monday.

STOP! You can’t write the rules down! They must be vague, arbitrary, and specific to every different situation, location, and denomination so that when a girl or woman inevitably puts a foot wrong, the people in charge can say “It’s not our fault you didn’t know your outfit would outrage the old folks/distract the

America needs to have a referendum about when women must show skin and when they cannot, since there doesn’t seem to be choice for them. My understanding so far is:

because we only like “Notebook”

Well, we can’t have a lead female with only 3 penises to back her up! That’s crazy talk!

And yet there were going to be 3 male co-stars in the show.

She looks really good.

this tired literary and film device also reinforces simplistic thinking like this in “real life”. When involved in a lawsuit against an employer for sexually harassing me (amongst other types of harassment and discrimination), the defense was able to gain access to information that I had been sexually abused and

Right? This is the thing: I just don’t need to see it any more. It’s become a sort of bullshit shorthand for “serious” treatment of female characters. You want to show me what a great auteur you are? Show me the relationships between your (named female) characters. Show me a sisterhood, or a mother-daughter

For godssake, this.

I spoke about this to my friends last year. There are way too many of us out here who have been sexually assaulted. We don’t need to constantly see it in movies and shows. We get it. We fucking get it.

It’s an extremely tired trope. I’m also so sick of seeing it everywhere. Also included in tired female tropes ‘not being able to have babies'

They’re just more polite about their ignorance.

Oh my god that whole list is ONE GUY?! Ughhhhh just buy a sex doll already, dude.

“Girls with chipped nail polish, girls who talk too much, narcissists, clingers, girls who have serious food allergies.”