“Pedafile” sounds like something you buy to remove calluses on your feet.
“Pedafile” sounds like something you buy to remove calluses on your feet.
I will give Jenelle some credit. This season has been her best looks wise since the beginning.
And that’s why Jenelle won’t stop being a cast member until MTV finally stops calling.
The custody fight is not the most notable part of Janelle’s appearance on the show. The time she shot up and nodded off on camera is the most notable part of Janelle’s appearance on the show. Second to that is “Kee-Fah!”
Janelle and Bab-Ra need to git. I feel really sad for Jace though.
I want to add that for me, it was about confidence. I thought long hair == feminine when I was younger, and that I couldn’t pull off short hair without looking like a dude. Now I see that pixie cuts are DOPE and women that rock them look amazing. I also realized that looking feminine all the time isn’t important to…
Well, for starters she was referring to her actual app in the interview, not snap chat or twitter. It’s so convenient to pick and choose quotes to fit a narrative.
White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.
I feel like Kanye is the type of guy who doesn’t want to ever know his wife poops. So your guess isn’t that far fetched.
I saw the instagram of her naked butt getting out of bed after drinking her morning coffee and I assumed the #secretproject would be a poop.
It’s actually very simple, Kim. I don’t.
I’m assuming it’s a fancy rich-person word for butt.
On using Snapchat to show her personality
Y’know, why didn’t he just rape her? Then he’d get what he wanted and maybe get 6 months in prison.
Yeah, Reddit is pretty much the number one place for MRAs and entitled men to go if they need to throw a temper tantrum.
Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.
What an entitled piece of shit.
It is completely foreseeable that with little education someone could get hurt. Damned right I hold the instructor responsible, she’s not there to spur people on to injury, but to exercise safely.
I don’t know quite what is wrong with me, but for some reason any time I see the word SoulCycle, my eyes just do this huge roll. Any ideas?