This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused
This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused
Interracial gay relationshiper here. I forget I’m in an interracial relationship 99% of the time. Am I alone in this? Also, I have a few dozen button-down shirts from Old Navy, for casual workdays. Old Navy has become better than their strict sibling, Banana Republic.
Thanks for posting this. I was hoping you guys would pick it up.
I said yesterday that the note sounded like a family member trying to sound like a serial killer. Turns out, I was wrong. It was two family members!
women, we all look the same
No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.
A 5K isn’t “four times shorter than” a half marathon. A half-marathon is more than four times longer than a 5K. A 5K is less than a fourth the distance. God I hate it when people use the "x is y times LESS than" expression...
The word vagina isn’t a word that explains “reproduction” or anything like that. It’s a body part. They’ve basically just taught all these young girls that their body parts are unmentionable and bad words/things we don’t talk about.
A preview of the next six months can be summed up in the image of Donald Trump standing behind a podium, gesticulating wildly and shouting “SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING, SHE HAS A VAGINA, SO DISGUSTING” over and over again.
It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional…
other cards Hillary has or had:
I think it’s a preview of the next eight years. If Clinton wins, there’s going to be a staggering amount of sexism directed towards her. Just like all of the racism that’s been directed towards Obama.
That’s the thing. I think if either of them were as sick as their child was they would have gotten themselves real medical care. They wouldn’t have put up with the misery. Their God-complex would have shut off real quick.
Why? It’s a bit silly and OTT but utterly harmless.
I remember traveling in Europe where some countries still charged for use of toilets at train stations and such. :(
I still remember being 27 and the first day on the job as a webmaster for an MLB team. I was responding to fan feedback emails regarding questions about the new sites. I responded to a completely normal question about the format of the schedule, but made the mistake of leaving my signature line on the email response…
When did women become so fragile?
But look at you, not threatening to rape/murder her because you don’t like her. It’s almost as if that was an easy thing to do!