
I didn't mind in ROTS since it was just one scene but they spent waaaayyy too much time there in Phantom Menace, same in ROTJ actually considering the whole opening there is pretty seperate from everything else in the story.

Okay so Jay Garrick, kills Jay Garrick, and shows his body off to Masked Man, who is probably also Jay Garrick.


There's so many possibilities now on "Jay"/Jay/Zoom/Zolomon, seriously what the HELL is actually going on now. It's crazy.

Mortis is just too weird and out there for some people. It's TOO Mystical for them. Personally though I think it's one of the best of S3.

Mark Hamill has retired as Joker as many times as Hideo Kojima retired from making Metal Gear games at this point probably.

I feel like im one of the few people who agree with you, well on Rey (who is somehow infinitely more competent and quick to learn the force than Luke or Anakin were, and never truly feels very challenged) and Poe (though I'll admit he was charismatic he was also kind of a nothing character) at least, I quite liked

Wait so if Carter Hall is a reincarnation of his past lives, and he's dying decades before his birth, is it it possible that Carter Hall…. is a reincarnation of Carter Hall.

It seems being Wells for 15 years really tempered out Eobards…. batshit insanity. He was a lot closer to his comics characterization here in just how purely evil he was.

S1 Reverse Flash still had who knows how many years of experience as a Speedster, this Thawne seemed pretty fresh.

Yeah Im baffled as to how so many review sites were so positive on it, the Legends pilot which also got lesser reviews on most sites was a lot more fun too.

And "His motivation is soo thin" Eobard LITERALLY WAS GIVEN THE SAME MOTIVATION AND ORIGIN HE HAD IN THE COMICS from basically the early 90s up until the Reboot. The Flash Fanboy gone totally mad when he discovers his true fate. That motive was solid enough to last like what a good 17 or so years!

Wait really a C???? this was LIGHT YEARS ahead of last weeks episode.

The reincarnation drama is a pretty vital aspect of the versions of the Hawks they are using, it'd feel weird to not include them both.

On hiatus?

Man I see those steel book covers and I just think "Why is Yoda on the cover of AOTC instead of Dooku?" Like aside from him all the others feature villains, he looks so out of place.

Half of those kind of sucked honestly.

I can't freaking wait till the inevitable return of Grodd.

No No talking about Metal Gear Solid V, how they released unfinished cutscenes of the planed Chapter 51/The fourth ending. What happened with The Clone Wars sucked a lot too though.

At least they'll release it as an unfinished animatic!