
The next time King Shark shows up it will be Earth-1 King Shark, or at least that's what you are led to think…..

Just as a fun little note since there doesn't seem to be any other possibility for who he played. It looks like David Hayter voiced King Shark

I actually think I liked this weeks more than any other this season other than last weeks. It was a lot of fun and Jax is actually more similar to Ronnie in the comics than Ronnie was.

No that's what the original movies were about, making everything the same way is just a route to stagnation and boredom.

Yeah I'd probably walk out if they basically throw the entire underlying story and contrast between Luke and Anakin out like that. There's no reason for it other than shock value.

Grevious is kind of an arrogant asshole, so he collects and uses the Lightsabers of Jedi he's killed.


Is there anyone better at being ominous and scary than Tom Cavanaugh?


The Republic is meant to be seen as decaying and corrupt, but still ultimately well intentioned despite it's deep flaws.

Well there you go, have Carter and Oliver have a big political argument, great nod to their long rivalry in that world.

Hal has traditionally been Ollies best friend and they've had political disagreements and arguments but the characters who basically borderline hated each other over their difference in Politics and argued about it all the freaking time were Ollie and Carter/Katar. (you know who Hawkman is at any given time varies

Well Hawkman is coming into the CWverse…. And he is GA's traditional politics rival guy. So maybe Carter Hall, he can appear in more than just one show!

Well I'll answer as to how Rex himself knew and managed to get his chip removed before it was too late: He was right there with Anakin when Fives explained what the truth was, Anakin didn't believe him at all but apparently Rex had enough doubts to get it checked out and he told some other Clones about it.

Hey, at least he doesn't have the beard, then it'd be even more ridiculous.

Yeah id be amazed if he doesn't pop up on Earth 2 later.

I wonder if Kojima working with a film director can beat his last cutscenes world record.

A Ghost?

You know, David Hayter apparently wrote a draft for a Black Widow movie years ago.

Obnoxious SJWs all over Social Media? What a surprise!