
I get sad whenever I think of Mist and how it was and still is viewed by a lot of people. It's the expansion with the most content and variety of content, the expansion where they added more than just raids every patch, the expansion where they added more outdoor content via patches than any other. The first expansion

Warcraft: Trollmageddon: Attack on Zul'whatever.

Dalaran I think looked prettier, but back then my hardware wasn't that great and it's more compact nature made it the most laggy place in the game, so I gotta go with Shattrath personally.

the Dreanei apparently appeared briefly in the triailer shown at comic-con (well I read on a site that I actually forgot on a blog written by someone clearly not that knowledgable on Warcraft stuff that Gul'dan is shown sucking the souls out of a bunch of "Purple people" to power the Dark Portal obviously not all

Don't forget not only are they sentient energy, they like to take the form of essentially giant flying wind chimes.

ahhh Vanilla "class balance". Those were the days.

I like goofy Superhero names. I hate how much most adapations try to run from that kind of thing.

Yeah, I have lots of problems with the writing of the prequels but I love their overall plot and political bent and I love that Lucas was willing to tell the story he wanted to in the way he wanted it told rather than conforming to fan expectations of what Star Wars is. Ultimately despite accepting the OT as better

I don't like that the new helmet lacks the I guess it's a breather or something thing that Phase II and Stormtroopers have, I don't like Phase I much cause it lacks it too. I feel that jaw thing kinda completes the look.

Don't worry, the Hawknado will eventually come for her to take her to the land of convolution. As it does for all Hawks, it is their destiny.

Im sure we'll see Hawkman if this happens, I don't think the CW can resist a chance to put his constant shirtlessness and glorious abs on screen if they make this show

He can go make those movies he so obviously wants to make.

Big Boss: "HE'S REAL I TELL YA, he used to leave me Presents and…"

Hideo "I really really wish I was making movies" Kojima.

Tron Uprising is just about the best show that seemingly no one watched.

Goddamn, it Tron has one of the coolest settings of anything just about ever, real shame to not get to see the Grid some more.

Well I guess in a universe like Star Wars names like Luke and Finn are the weird ones. Judging by the names of EVERYONE ELSE.

Well as it stands right now Hawkman on Prime Earth is Kater, there's not a Hawkgirl at the moment, and Hawkgirl on Earth 2 is Kendra, there's not a Hawkman there at the moment.

Current New 52 Hawkman is Katar not Carter (well he THOUGHT he was Carter at first, it was weird). soooo yeah Thanagar is still a big deal.

Indeed! that's their whole shtick really. Well that and convoluted continuity.