
Don't worry, they all have Big Honking Maces. It's kinda a trademark of the Hawks.

No the old Flash TV series was Barry as well. I actually expect Flash of Two Worlds as the season opener, he jumped into a big wormhole, easy explanation as to how he got there.

Interesting to note, the producers said in an interview following the finale, that Eddie will probably be seen again but not as a regular, but that Tom WILL remain a regular, and that we havent seen the last of the Reverse Flash AND that going forward the plan is that at any time the Reverse Flash can be ether Matt or

I am almost certain that the Season 2 opener will be a Flash of Two Worlds type of deal, with Barry having been transported to Earth 2 by the Time Paradox Worm Hole.

Producers said Cavanaugh is gonna remain a regular, somehow.

Kendra, not Shayera. This is the modern JSA affilated Hawkgirl.

You see an image of her as Barry gets all the images of his future. You also get an image of the Flash Museum and Barry in Iron Heights.

Im gonna bet Season 2 will have a bigger budget too with how succesful this one has been.

"If Thawne was never born, doesn’t that mean he never went back in time, never killed Wells, never killed Nora Allen, never created the particle accelerator that made the Flash and all of his villains?"

a finale is very important, it can greatly enhance or damage a season, it's the conclusion to all the build up, and wether it's satisfying or not is a really big deal.

"Twenty-one season-one episodes watched for review."

Shouldn't this review be done AFTER the season is actually over?


If anything good can come of all this, hopefully Ollie STAYS happy and he's more the wisecracking and sarcastic Green Arrow we know from years of comics than the sorta Batman-liteish guy he's been on the show.

Also Eddie is like the nicest person in the goddamn world.

Eobard is an experienced Super-Villain, who knows how long he hounded Barry in the original timeline, he's prepared for situations like that.

This deserved an A-, the only real flaw is the final battle being a bit anti-climatic cause the focus isn't on Barry vs Eobard enough.

One of the best episodes of the season, Eobard is quite possibly the best villain on TV right now, all of his scenes were chilling. I will miss Everyman though, he was the most entertaining of the freaks of the week.

Eddie is probably the nicest most likable dude on the show.

I actually really enjoyed Everyman, probably the most fun monster of the week type villain on the show so far.