
Yes. the Wan two parter was episodes 7 and 8 of Season 2. After them the season got better, though it was still weaker than the rest of the show, aside from Episode 10, that one is great.

The first half of Season 2 is one of the worst 6 episodes of an action animated series I have ever seen, it's freaking spectacular how badly they botched those episodes. the second half is better, and I realy like the flashbacke episodes and New Spiritual Age but not enough to save the completely abysmal first half.


I think it's easily better than the first two seasons of Korra (well at least the second).

As RogueJedi says, Ventress going back to just a straight up bad guy would pretty much ruin the character and cheapen all her development.

More excited about this than EP 7 really, I am estatic to see some Clone Troopers again. Id watch a whole movie about them really. Probably my favorite concept in Star Wars.

I basically agree with everything you said, but I have to clear up the CGI misconception. Most of the backgrounds people think were CGI were actually Models, the mistakes were with how they were greenscreened in, (and I really think for the most part this is really only a big problem in Attack of the Clones) like the

I also liked adding outdoor scenes to Cloud City, and windows. And the new stuff in the Battle of Yavin made it feel bigger.

on a sheer idea level I think the Prequel Setting is way more interesting than the Original setting, and way more conductive to spin offs too. I find "Phoney war fought between Robots and Men bred for Battle who develop their own identities but remain disposable in the eyes of the galaxy" to be a freaking fascinating

Lucas has admitted this for years, I remember him saying he was the "Grand Master of Wooden Dialogue" like over a decade ago. People think he's more out of touch than he actually is, he just has strange priorities on what he thinks makes a movie good. He's MUCH more of a visuals guy and when he directs that's what he

Wait is that why the Padme and Organa and Mothma subplot was cut? Cause the last scene for that, which is in the deleted scenes would of been one of the best scenes in the prequels had it been it, had some great Palpatine manipulation. That's a shame


It might be realistic but from a Storytelling prespective it's rotten, okay lets recap in chronological order. So the prequels are about the Rise of the Empire, we see that happen, the OT is then about it's fall, which is symbolized in Palpatine's death, the man who built the Empire. The movie ends with everyone

They are referred to as the "Resistance" that implies still just Rebels.

I dislike that the Empire is still apparently the dominant government, I feel like it cheapens all 6 movies before this one.

Also I think Iris comes off worse than she actually should simply because Eddie is so goddamn nice and has been put in such a shitty situation by Barry and Joe, makes it hard not to sympathize with him more.


Yeah when I heard that "o okay this is full Star Wars and he's playing the part of Palpatine, he's totally lying"

Go read the issue where he rewrites his own backstory, it's absolutely nuts.