
Well Eobard Thawne is probably one of the most twisted comic book villains I can think of, so that fits the part. And yeah they said in one of the after episode interviews they do that Eobard gained some of Wells personality when he did what he did. If I had to guess it also toned down his sociopathic tendencies.

You know before the reference I really should of seen coming I was already thinking Star Wars with how Trickster was talking, only I was thinking Palpatine instead of Vader.

Eobard Thawne was HORRIFYING here, Great casting too, looks just like he has looked in comics for decades. Im blown away by how well they've handled Professor Zoom.

That was just freaking incredible. How does this show know how to HYPE so well.


Yeah, Ahsoka coming back made me super emotional too, somewhere along the line I became ridiculously invested in her.

Next! He comes back for a tiny cameo in the sequel series!

yeah Rebels takes place only 4 or 5 years before New Hope, the gap between Revenge of the Sith and New Hope is just about 19-20 years or so.

Okay so during the Clone Wars the Clones are all equilvent of somewhere in their 20s, since the first ones started to be grown about 10 years before Attack of the Clones, now there's 3 years between ATOC and Revenge so lets say Rex is biologically late 20s by the end of the War, there's 15 years between that and

That would be great indeed. Really I just want some Clones, They are one of my favorite concepts in Star Wars cause of how well TCW handled them.

Not quite yet, If he was one of the first clones he'd be about the equivlent of late 50s around now since this is just 15 years after Revenge of the Sith, old and not in prime shape but still able to fight.

I greatly await the inevitable confrontations between Ahsoka and Vader, much emotional and dramatic potential there.

O, almost certainly. Vader will almost inevitably try to convert Ahsoka and I would be amazed if theirs no callforwards to that.

Man I want Rex to be revealed as part of Ahsoka's cell.

Are we finally gonna find out that R2 is secretly Space Jesus? I mean he's saved EVERY MAJOR CHARACTER at least once, he's survived all sorts of shit, and he's ALWAYS, ALWAYS there.

Hey, it's Star Wars. Every planet must contain only ONE enviroment with slight differences between areas at the MOST.

I can't wait to see what exactly the Empire has on Mustafar (also in the little preview they showed at the end of the airing, it was pretty obvious the place the duel between the Inquistor and Kanan was going on was intentionally referencing the place Obi Wan and Qui Gon fought Maul, which makes me kinda worry for

I don't know, I think the ridiculous convoluted backstory is part of their charm at this point. Also they could just go the "they are space cops, the end" route.

Not those Hawks! Hawkman and Hawkgirl!

Still the best DC show, in pretty much everyway (well I think Young Justice developed the characters it actually wanted to develop better, but JLU was better at establishing and making characters interesting fast)