
Also knowing DC I smiled as the mentions of Coast City and Midway City. And immidiately wanted Hal and the Hawks (god knows which version though) to show up on the show.

I have not been sent into as high levels of hype by a TV show in a long time.

This is what comic book shows should be, totally unashamed of the source material. I mean really this is a show that in this one episode took the character who's two people fused together into a nuclear man (though I hope to see transmutation in this next appearance) the time traveling asshole who dresses in opposite

I kinda feel like Aang feels like he won more fights also because ATLA let him fight Mooks more often than Korra does, and Mooks by their nature basically always lose.

While I think pretty much everyone has a distinct personality by now I agree that Sabine is so far somewhat underused compared to the rest, weirdly enough I feel like almost every ensemble cartoon has one character in the core cast who is just less used than the others (and also strangely, they are very frequently fan


Clancy Brown Lex is best Lex.

Damn it, I didn't realize this site was doing a JLU retrospective thing, not I missed it all!

Well yeah, that's true but I just think it'd be a waste, and just not as emotionally hard hitting to the audience as Vader doing it himself. If you gotta kill a character as cool as Ahsoka off do it you gotta do it right!

I strongly doubt she'll be killed by the Inqusitor, if anything she'll kick his ass to establish her as more skilled than Kanan or something.

You know speaking of Avatar, after thinking about it for a while, I realized this season of Rebels reminds me a lot of the first season of TLA in it's structure.

I expect she'll have some role in training Ezra, but I really don't want Kanan killed off yet, it feels too early to do so.

He's the Governor of the Outer Rim (yes the entire Outer Rim), along with Grand Moff.

Yup, it's totally unabashed about what it is and as such doesn't really attempt to mask it's wackiness, which is great.

I grinned hugely when we finally got our First Speed Force mention, really wonder what the hell is going on with Harrison and just why his connection to the Speed Force is faltering, it seems he uses that device to leech off it or something as a stop gap measure.

Clearly very sexy.

I just love how unabashed this show is about what it is, no trying to hide that this is super comic booky here. Instead we got dudes who basically do crime because they enjoy it, ask to be called by their codenames (I grinned so much when Captain Cold went like "Call me Cold" in his address to the city) a steal

I wish Kuvira and Korra's talk got more time, as is it's still one of my favorite scenes in the series though.

Bolin has become so powerful, I love it.

I think exactly the same thing, iv said so multiple times in these comments.