
I do agree that Season 2 as a whole got better after Beginnings.

Bolin has been aces in EVERY FIGHT he's been in this season, he's become one of the biggest badasses on the show.

A lot of people have been saying that Korrasami had little build up, but I disagree, they had been laying the seeds for this since the start of Book 3, it was just a lot more subtle that how Avatar usually does Romance, and I actually really prefer it for that.

Unfortunately probably, though When I will think of Korra what i'll remember will be the final bits of Book 3 and how many feels I felt.

Really the Korrasami bit was about as unsubtle as they could possibly be allowed to be, EVERYTHING from the hand holding, the staring in each others eyes, the music was meant to point in that direction, it's clear that's what they WANTED it to be seen as.

Yeah if there's one thing everyone will remember when they think of Korra, it'll be Korrasami probably.


The start ISN'T that strong though, it's decidely average and then it's followed by a bunch of meh to average episodes, honestly if not for dropping the ball pretty hard in it's last few episodes, LoK B1 would be quite above it. All in all I think they are about equal because of those things.

A lot of Book one of ATLA is pretty freaking boring.

I wouldn't give Book 1 that high for ATLA, it's a B or B+ for me, really it's equal to LoK book 1, Unlike most of the series the most of the filler in Book 1 isn't good, it had a damn solid finale though.

KUNG FU LESBIANS (actually Bisexuals I guess)

I think Twilight Princess is quite a bit easier than Wind Waker, though yes compared to say Majora's Mask the dungeons in WW are significantly easier and just like MM there's less of them than in most Zelda games but like MM it also has a shitload of sidequest and rewards for exploring.

Wind Waker looks so good and timeless that they were able to touch it up a bit for a rerelese and it looked like a modern gen game pretty much, Twilight Princess looked aged after a year. I think we can tell which had the superior graphic design here.

Speedsters in DC are conceptually insane and terrifying, it's blessing to all the DCU that all the Flashes are really nice people, but it's always fun when they bring in one of the Reverse Flashes to show what a speedster could do if they weren't so nice.

Man this show is like, my ideal Superhero show more or less. It's almost everything I want in a superhero show. And I love how they are handling Zoom, sure it was pretty obvious it was Wells but that doesn't mean it wasn't damn good. I have been waiting for a long time for a live action comic book show that isn't

Well Katara benifited from having more time to get focus, and equally importantly, a more overall silly cast. Until Book 4 Mako really only had Bolin to be a straightman to since Korra and Asami were played pretty seriously most of the time.

That's Mako's role in the show, he's the straightman of the group. Every show needs one and he plays that role well, he's great when he's with Wu or Bolin. however when he's with a character who isn't kinda wacky (like say the two characters he was in a relationship with) or alone he's usually kinda boring, as

There's no way the Korra/Asami stuff isn't done deliberately at this point.

Every line Varrick has is perfect, as usual.

I freaking love Ikki now, she was perfect in this episode.