
everything Eska said in this episode was hilarious.

The last few were absolutely crazy over the top. But I thought they were a better finale than Book 1s. It was pretty much the physical embodiment of good vs the physical embodiment of evil, how do you NOT play that over the top?

o an I have to say, Being Suyin is suffering. Seriously so far her closest adviser and truthteller, her fugitive tech guy she gave a second chance to, her captain of the guard and her own oldest son have all betrayed her over the course of this series.

Everyone has misfires occasionally, also it pretty much had to be slapped together fast. And it still had it's gems like Beginnings and New Spiritual Age.

That scene where Bolin smiles at Opal in the crowd and she just looks so sad and walks away :(. My feels. Music really helped there too.

What's the hell is a llama? that sounds as weird as a bear.

Soon he'll be wanting to demolish Air Temple Island to build his new palace, but he'll end up on an adventure with Tenzin and learn the meaning of friendship and being humble (After being turned into a Turtleduck or something by Kuvira and Bolin of course). Obviously.

Depends which one, I think the Rift is pretty great. The ones before though are just alright.

The thing is, they all support Kuvira as well it seems. In fact some people have translated the Chinese of the contract and it basically says she's officially the "Temporary President" and is acting under international sanction. It seems to the rest of the world Kuvira is just cleaning up the mess until the Prince can

Id rather have Earthbending Avatar in a sort Cold War Esque setting.

I expected Book 4 to start this year since that article IGN had where they talked to Nick Australia and they said they'd be airing it in January, so I assumed it must be coming out in the U.S. earlier, however this is still a bit earlier earlier than I thought, and yeah it reeks of burning off the show, like how Nick