A more interesting takeaway from all this(I mean, the Sixers do have the shittiest record so it wouldn't exactly be a shocker if they get the number one pick)is Mutombo's proper English. Dude grew up in the fuckin Congo and speaks better than 90% of NBA players, with their "dit, dat, and doe" booooshit. He should…
The Sixers have the best chance
I’ve never tried it as I’d just rather eat a salad or another meatless dish as opposed to a veggie burger or veggie tacos but there’s a food truck here in LA called Plant for the People that makes a killing selling Mexican food made with jackfruit instead of beef brains and pig parts. I’ve seen them at different…
This! I live in LA and see all these dudes wearing brand new Frisco hats who think Dusty Baker is a fuckin' country singer. And don't even get me started on all the fools sporting Steph Curry jerseys.
You know what's a trip, all of the old school black owned BBQ joints in L.A.(Woody's, Phillip's, Bludso's in Compton)give you white bread with their Q at no extra charge while the hipster spots(Baby Blues, Bludso's in West LA, Lucille's)serve cornbread but you gotta pay for it. Not sure what the backstory is, if any,…
Oh, Grimey.
Was never a big strip club guy but would never pull a Debbie Downer on the bachelor party crew so I've gone to my fair share in Vegas. The problem I have with is the friggin cigarette smoke. Can't stand that shit! Smelling a little at the outdoor patio of a bar is one thing but those Vegas titty bars are just full of…
My thoughts exactly. They at least should charge him with felony not getting his shit together.
Indeed. The 1:02 mark was especially enjoyable.
Right? What the hell took them so long to file charges? She immediately reported the crime, for fucks sakes. Shameful
448 and counting, Woody
“Warren G. Harding's great, great grandkid is throwing out the first pitch today. Apparently, Warren G. Harding liked the dark stuff. And I'm not talking whiskey. Holeeeeeeee Cow!"
"Hey gramma, how about another grape soda?"
I don't understood the Austin Rivers hate. He had some huge games in last year’s playoffs versus the Spurs when CP3 was out, but all people ever mention is "Doc's son yadda yadda" and those turnover GIFs. If he balls out tomorrow don't act as though it never happened and especially don't pretend you called it. Man up
Same answer to the above question; By pacing himself. Also, Nate does have an iron chin but if you dent iron enough, it'll eventually start cracking. Look at Chuck Liddell. The Iceman had a good beard but when he accumulated enough shots... Gone. Got KO'd damn near every fight. Again, I love me some Nick and Nate but…
Easier said than done when you got a 209 boy charging at you, of course, but my answer would be for Conor to pace himself. And I think his experience in the first fight will definitely help with that. He threw more punches in that first round than he did his entire UFC career(don't quote me on that), most of which…