
No what I mean is that wealthy and educated black people are no longer light skinned and mixed like the early part of the 20th century. And most rich black men still get with black women contrary to complaints. And athletes make up a fraction of the rich black male population. And they are the focus of the

That has nothing to do with class. That has to do with sexual preferences.

Black women should date whoever they want— not based on who they can get on matchmaking websites. How racist.

Almost all TV is for profit (save public TV) around the world.

Okay. My mistake. But she later clarified that she meant a major Asian character, and you proceeded to lie and say Paddy's Asian co-worker was a significant character. The fact he showed up in 9 episodes does not mean he is significant. Significant means he has his own storyline. He is a glorified background

She never said there were no Asian characters. She said there are no major Asian roles. An asian co worker trotted out with two or three lines and NO storyline is not a major character. Why are you pretending to no know what she said?? You corrected no one.

You sound nuts. Owen has no storyline. He is a background character. He has shown up about 3 times and has not furthered the plot.

Your instinct is right. Their grasp of US politics is ridiculous. It is sad since season 1 was a bit more realistic in terms of how politics works. Especially with the shipyard and job situation.

No, the data for San Francisco city proper is also $75,604. See the link.

Patrick was unbearable. He really was Carrie Bradshaw in this episode. He somehow made everything about himself.

I sort of agree. I feel that this show is trying to be more "natural" which means it is not plot driven. This can be a bit boring. Sort of like "girls" where there is not always a very defined conflict or plot. I think this episode did have a plot though. Dom disliking being treated like a child by Lynn. Kevin and