"Ivan dosen't take a dump without a plan"
"Ivan dosen't take a dump without a plan"
"The V-12 was never put into series production because its intended mission, to deploy ballistic missiles around the vastness of the Russian countryside, was not a priority by the time the design was mature."
The impressive power aside - an Mi-26 in camouflage looks like a retarded dinosaur. An Mi-26 in all grey looks like a retarded dolphin.
Pretty sure if caught they would have dropped the speeding charges and just stuck with "filming while in portrait mode" to make sure they got the maximum sentence possible.
I don't want to downplay what is, seemingly, a fairly racist killing of an unarmed teen. But you say this:
"explain to me why the hell we should be anything less than angry"
But there is a difference over there. The is a draft, for one. Pretty much all men and women must serve in the armed forces and many of them are put in danger in the territories and if not them then someone they know. Although these girls look under 18, so being a stupid teenager does contribute.
You may be sorry you asked.
Welcome to America. Most people are reading this because they're bored, yet they find the material too boring to read.
Dirk Nowitzki. The W. Dirk Nowitzki. Nike. Dirk Nowitzki.
This is one of the reasons that I am never having children.
I feel like whoever came up with the Rainbow Party urban legend has never worn lipstick. It either comes off in the first few minutes of wearing it or you drinking/eating/touching anything, or you have to scrub the shit out of it. Nobody is going to be able to have a mother fucking rainbow on their penis.
I appreciate your strong value system and would like to subscribe to the print edition of your newsletter.
Very dishonest article. Completely ignorant of the facts (and likely intentionally Tso)
I think the reason for that overload is the family has some kind of deal with either one of those publishing parent companies like Bauer or the photo agency that works with them. Kris Jenner arranged a lot of this shit, even before they had their show. Or they have some arrangement with their publicist/management…