
Is there really a big market for candid Hilary Duff photos?

This doesn’t always work for speaking (you can write anything, of course, but try to pronounce it)

I was wondering that, too. But then thought, no Jez would have mentioned it, I’m sure. Hah. Never doubt your gut instincts.

Yes, she was.

And “a better father”!!! What the fuck?! Why do people who don’t see women as fully human get married and have kids? Sickening.

“a better husband” ....???

I read the same thing. That the deputies couldn’t even get the doors open to get to the women, and they tried very hard to get them out. The CNN article also states the women were seat belted in, but otherwise not restrained. Eventually, the deputies had to be rescued from the top of the van.

Obviously we don’t have all the facts yet,

Hmm, the recent news on this said that they were in seat belts only.  The problem was that the water swept in so quickly that it was impossible for the two officers to open the back door to get them out.  There was radio chatter of them trying everything they could to get the women out, but were unsuccessful. 

I’m a proofreader. That’s my job. I love Gizmodo Media and everything but man, some of the syntax is damn near comical. Word order matters. Really.

When “kinky sex” ends in a gunshot to the head, it’s not kinky sex anymore.

Lol! Every word in that sentence is a word. You’re asking a lot of Gizmodo Media Group. 

While the morbid voyeurism that propelled the video to viral status remains unsettling, Lauren attributes its spread to her safety.

Uh, my message discussed their relationship, not his transgressions with others.

We don’t know what their marital agreements are. Perhaps they have an open relationship. Maybe they stay out of each other’s sexual business. Or whatever.

Couldn’t agree more. This is feminism: giving women the latitude to fuck up their own lives, in their own ways.

She has a terrible husband, yes, but maybe she loves him.

Yeah, I can’t fault Cooper for this. I’m surprised to learn that Peters would’ve been due credit because he produced the THIRD version of the story.

OMFG this is getting exhausting. Seriously? He was never on set, his connection is that he is contractually due credit because he produced the 1976 version -- 42 years ago. Good fucking god.

Why the hell should he have checked? I have no idea if any of the folks I currently work with are creepy weirdos with criminal pasts; that’s something that HR is supposed to check out on their way in.