*hugs* I had an irregular pap last year (was 27) and ended up having cryosurgery. I totally get the not telling people thing, I still haven’t told either of my best friends about it.
*hugs* I had an irregular pap last year (was 27) and ended up having cryosurgery. I totally get the not telling people thing, I still haven’t told either of my best friends about it.
Keep it simple, depending on your skin I’d say a nice primer or tinted moisturizer or BB creme, a decent mascara that doesn’t make you want to pull your eyelashes out, and an eyebrow pencil. Bonus level, a basic neutral lipstick and maybe a bronzer/blush pack. You can get that shit together in 5-10 min.
I don’t know about the toilet thing, but it took several tries to find the perfect cat box for us. I’d say we tried about 5 different ones, and the only one that ended up working was the one I thought for sure never would.
Watching You’ve Got Mail and While You Were Sleeping for christmas. I’m not close to my mother like I was, but I still watch our movies for the holidays and it makes me feel like my old mom is back and nothing ever changed :)
Some Houstonians did not get to vote on HERO. I live 15 miles from downtown, I can see the buildings from my apartment complex, but did not have the option to vote on HERO because technically I live in Brazoria County. Our ballot just had homestead tax exemptions.
It took me over an hour to get home last night, and the polling place closed at seven. I wasted the 15 minutes I had left to go get in line, fighting with my boyfriend because he refused to go vote with me :/
that just makes me want to make allllll the puns
It’s not saturday but I’m doing a halloween do-over today anyway because yesterday was shitty, and I didn’t get to watch hocus pocus so it wasn’t really halloween. This is going to be a long bitchy rant, sorry in advance.
Can this be a real thing? I don’t need sick day soup because we have doordash, but just a nice mom human that wasn’t batshit crazy.
This. Mine always look cartoonish until I put my glasses on, they’re thick brown half and half glasses, so it works out I think. Can’t have weak brows with big old man glasses, gotta go big or stay home.
But why did the cheesecake monster’s father insist on being sat in your section?
I’d say it really depends on the woman. I agree with thebestmle and Manon, start with what you would like to eat, then when you find a human of interest find out what they like and make learn to make that.
This. My dentist has a whole sheet dedicated to anxiety about dental work, it’s a whole check list to determine what could possibly be an anxiety trigger, you can even add requests and notes. Why can’t the gyno have that shit?
Folded over on itself? Good gravy. Can it be unfolded?
Man don’t beat yourself up about moving in with your mom to save for a house, that’s some bad-ass grown up planning. You’ll probably save money twice as fast, because renting is a money suck. *highfive*
When my mother remarried she went hyphen, my father’s last name and my step father’s. The weirdest thing I can remember about it was in school, the teachers would ask me which last name she preferred to be called. I would just shrug and say “I call her mom? I don’t know?” I’m six, I don’t care what you call her just…
My dad disappeared from the house the first time i got my period, just straight up vanished for most the day, I think he mumbled something about needing charcoal from the store. I cant imagine how horrified he’d have been to be presented with a certificate of authenticity for my hymen.
Maybe? I mean my grandmother forgot my mother’s birthday for a month. Just last week she told me that since I was now 21 that I could come drink at the bar she works at. I’m 28.
I was about to argue with you, but I can remember my aunt referring to chips and salsa as chips and dip, but we also had ruffles and ranch dip so maybe she was saying that we had an array of chips and dips. Still, I don’t think that’s a common way to order it. If someone were to say to me ‘chips and dip’ I’d think of…
What kills me is people who were/are poor judging other people for being poor. My family was poor as shit when I was a kid, and I got into an argument with my mother the other day about paying people a livable wage. She kept going on about how ‘why should we pay people a livable wage if they’re just going out to buy…