why do you have to pay them to fix their typos?????
why do you have to pay them to fix their typos?????
Yeah I had none of that stuff and it was still a huge hassle. Mostly because it was like pulling teeth to figure out what all the procedures were. How hard is 1) take this form, 2) bring form here, 3) if (a) wait x many days and if (b) you can come back up here tomorrow. I ended up having to file and go to court…
I did this but I used Legal Zoom. It was more expensive though and the actual filling instructions weren’t quite as helpful or simple as I would have liked.
so she says she can’t believe in separation of church and state, shouldn’t that completely disqualify her from holding any sort of office?
“Rubio has an interesting view here: that using fetal tissue for medical research is fine—as long as that fetal tissue came about through “the natural end of a pregnancy,” like a miscarriage.”
I had one of those little bastards jump in between my glasses and my face while I was driving down 290 in Houston (back then it was really narrow lanes and there was a concrete barrier on the left). I screamed, ripped the glasses off my head and smacked my face trying to remove him, may have went into the other lane,…
Nope haven’t tried that yet, but I’ve seen it mentioned a few times. I’m taking this as the final push to go ahead and order the samples haha. Thanks!!
i fucking love to wong foo, especially when Swayze beats the shit out of that guy, while wearing that classy ass nighty.
I won a birchbox at work that had an Eyeko liquid eye liner in it that I absolutely love. It’s like a felt tip inking marker, nice and swishy.
Anyone have any first had tips for rosacea? I started getting it when they took me off birth control (pcos is my nemesis). I’m on finacea cream for the unending bumpies and to help with the pimples, which dries out my skin, but if I try to moisturize I end up oily by early afternoon.
I have no opinion as to whether or not you should give out unedited prints. That’s your personal choice as an artist, and I don’t think that either choice is terribly wrong. However I do think that even if you are shooting for free or for money, you should have a contract with exactly what you’re offering and what are…
You can totally do this! I know it’s super scary being in a place where nothing is really familiar, and that feeling of just wanting to run away. Just know that you’ve already taken a huge step that not a lot of other people could even wrap their heads around doing, you’re already brave for taking that step. You’ll…
I think it depends on how complicated the paint job is. My mother’s house was build around 1902 and the cabinets look like they may be from the 40’s, so we just sanded them down and painted them (with brushes, god knows why we didn’t bust out the sprayer) white. I mostly just remember the whole process being boring…
We roast chicken but we don’t even own a baster, we mostly just use the little tony chachere injector that comes with the creole butter.
I’ve had two separate gynos, both do the paper dress thing, and as far as I can tell it’s because they need easy access to my downstairs and my upstairs. I always get both areas checked because I’m both neurotic and am at an increased risk of cancer. If there was an option to keep any of my own clothes on, I’d take…
I’ve had an undercut for almost a year, and despite wanting to go to a barber shop to have in maintained, I haven’t because I was worried this sort of thing would happen. So I just have my boyfriend shave the sides for me, then I shave his head for him, and it’s cute as shit.
I could maybe understand if the barber shop had a sign that said ‘bros only,’ but I don’t think this was the case.
Ok but I’m a lady with what is considered a traditionally male hair cut, wouldn’t it make sense to go to a barber shop that deals with that style? I mean just because I have a lady head doesn’t make my undercut more fancy, I just need the side of my dang head shaved.
First, all the hugs because being able to step up and take a stand for your happiness like that takes courage. Taking that first step for me was one of the most emotionally draining things I have ever done. I don’t know what your situation is, but for me it was being married to a man who leeched everything. He was a…