
What you're practicing isn't feminism or radical feminism, that is called sexism. You are arguing for unequal power to go to females, not simply equality. You are a misandrist of the greatest degree, and it pains me that no one has flat out called you that. Your idea goes beyond Hitler's ideals and if anyone in any

This is how I usually study. I realized that studying at 5PM or right after school doesn't help me much so I usually wait until 8 or 9PM because it helps me remember the material more.

I'd say that whey protein is definitely important for anyone who wants to lose weight and get stronger at the same time.

Actually, his argument is simply incorrect, not the terminology. He's saying that a bodybuilder and a strongman will have the same strength, but the bodybuilder is more toned. That's actually incorrect. The bodybuilder will literally be quite a bit smaller than the strongman, and his weight will be more compromised of

This fact is exaggerated usually, but yes, if you intake a very little amount of calories in a period of a few weeks to months, your body learns how to more efficiently use those calories and thus keep you from losing weight.

So I'll reply to both of your posts:

I encourage you to join us in the real world:

1) Religious freak? So stating that he's a Christian automatically makes him a religious freak?

Actually, the fact of the matter is that I don't like this video because it is manipulative. Your reasons are self-centered and amount to, "Omg...liek, y is there a toddler in the video?" which is what I think is dumb. Because your reasons show a complete lack of thought. Your "criticisms" are actually some of the

Wait, so I'm ignorant...because I don't believe that everyone has some kind of racial focus? Maybe in your world where everyone is racist or full of white "guilt" but here in the real world, a good portion of people don't take more than 5 minutes to think about race.

The fact that what you considered first is that the kid is white and middle-class shows that there is something wrong in your priorities. There is no reason you are even considering that. It has nothing to do with the fact that the kid is white or a middle-class and everyone who says anything based on race about this

You may not give a fuck about a kid, but apparently the other million or so people who have watched the video have been thoroughly convinced, and in part, because of the kid there. It's a good technique, and it works for the majority. The fact that you are so enthralled by yourself and yourself alone is exactly why

"OMG my crotch spawn is so cute look it him looooooookkk"

Looking at some of the comments of the people saying how they tip here...I look like a saint. When do I get honored?

What I'm saying is that White phosphorus is indeed a WMD, no matter who deploys it. I'm not talking about the US in this case (even though the US has used white phosphorus in the past), only Israel.

Frankly, I don't believe OGolly's story much either, but the fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter whether he is speaking the truth or not.

Actually, yes, I can prove that Israel has worse weapons. They have nukes. Which I can't prove, however they have deployed white phosphorus, a chemical weapon and WMD, against Palestinians, in recent times and they still do.

Whether he had them or not doesn't really matter, the US sold them to Iraq in the 90's and, here's a clue, Israel and the US have even worse weapons of mass destruction, so why invade Iraq for something that a large amount of Western countries have? That justification is bullcrap regardless of whether he had them or