You see, I've heard that fructose is processed in the liver but I don't understand why. To my understanding, all cells go through glycolysis so I don't understand why fructose wouldn't be able to be metabolized elsewhere?
You see, I've heard that fructose is processed in the liver but I don't understand why. To my understanding, all cells go through glycolysis so I don't understand why fructose wouldn't be able to be metabolized elsewhere?
Alright, so I asked this question in Lifehacker but did not get one, but I want to know the problem with fructose. Obviously I'm not very educated about metabolism, I'm currently in AP Bio, but as far as glycolysis goes, glucose is converted to fructose-6-phosphate in the 2nd step, so why wouldn't it be easier to…
Perhaps I'm the only one here, but it seems like any guys on this thread or women never tell their sons or nephews or whatever that they're handsome? I mean, my family did that to me, I didn't grow up with a complex (well, actually, I did, but it wasn't because of someone calling me handsome as much as other factors)
The fact that women can't legally drive in Saudi Arabia is sexist, I agree, I lived there when I was younger and it was actually my mother's only complaint about it.
That's because the only times you ever hear about Iran is from biased media that continually vilify Iran. Take this site for example, I do like Jezebel, I really do, but whenever anything in the Middle East comes up, apparently it's always a women's issue, even when it's happening to everyone, regardless of gender.
I don't agree with any death penalty in general, but yeah, in terms of executions, while stoning isn't at all painless, it serves its purpose, of making someone wish they never did what they did.
Simply put: No, Iran does not stone only women for adultery. It stones both genders.
I just want to clear some things here:
Poop is bacteria and other things you cannot digest like cellulose, etc.
So while I was reading this, I read the fructose section. Could someone explain why only liver cells can metabolize it? It doesn't make sense considering that just about every cell does glycolysis and the 2nd product of glycolysis after glucose-6-phosphate is fructose-6-phosphate which is then metabolized into…
Well working with medians to test whether women are disadvantaged is just stupid. There are more women working in that kind of market, hence, yes, there will be a low median. If you look at actual factors at play rather than simply medians, you'll probably find that women have worse positions, worse education, or…
Really? We're working simply with medians now? That's just being lazy.
Oh, we're definitely going to get our asses handed to us. That doesn't mean that we aren't foolhardy enough to try. I'm not sure if you've been in Egypt, but every man thinks he's a politician.
No, we won't long for Mubarak, because Sharia is an old law system, yes, but it's not bad. It's no worse than your version of law. We lived under Sharia for hundreds of years and that yielded the Golden Age of the Islamic Empire.
Hahahaha, it's like in French, il ananas
This isn't a direct translation but I believe this is the caption:
There won't be any religious police on the streets and if there is war with Israel soon, trust me, the majority of Egypt wants it.
If you comment on anything it gets approved. I don't think you can move a thread, only a select few people can do that.
I can attempt to translate for you, if you'd like.
This is disturbing to me as an Egyptian living outside of Egypt, and I know this is a feminist blog, however I think it collectively hurts the Egyptian people to attempt to divide the protestors as the author has done in the title here. It isn't simply women protestors being attacked. It is all protestors, and we…