
Please, HAL was the result of us starting to use more male voices. You don't want that to happen, do you?

I think that's only rare for Western males cause most of them masturbate. If you don't masturbate you can get them often.

I guess I'm the only person who never has a recurring dream. Honestly, a lot of my dreams revolve around a girl that I like at a particular girl being close to me, usually in school, along with a crowd, and no one can really see me yet to me it's as if there's a spotlight on the girl.

IQ tests are based on recognizing patterns. I don't see how anyone could think that IQ's are set in stone. It seems rather obvious to me that you learn how to recognize patterns as you grow up. In my freshman year my way of thinking changed dramatically when it came to problems that had to do with patterns. I know

And in Israel Jewish schools are publicly funded as well. Same thing, really.

How does Emmett Till have anything to do with LGBT?

I'm getting drafted into the Egyptian army. I myself have no choice in the matter, unless I'd like to be either under house arrest or exiled from my country.

Probably because anyone in the US who doesn't agree with the soldiers going to other places to kill people is automatically outcasted.

I got a -11.

Wait, so if I'm a jerk now, does that mean I'm handsome?

Um, maybe looks ARE important. In fact I'm pretty sure they're just as important as a personality. I mean, that's not if I'm going to date someone just to date someone, but if I actually like someone, chances are I noticed them either first by their looks or personality, and then the other supplements it and then

1. Actually, no study has shown women have to work twice as hard, that's also an exaggeration. And when you take all the factors into consideration, women make 98 cents per dollar that a man makes. While it's wrong that it isn't equal, that's much better than most people here would have us believe.

That's just the thing though, 98% of the brightest applicants AREN'T women, in fact, in theoretical terms, it should be a 50-50 split. In reality, yes, the majority of the brightest, or at least, most accomplished applicants are women, but if that does happen, then how is it that men are not disadvantaged? There is a

BUT THIS VIEW ISN'T CONSISTENT! Why is it that it matters that when men are overrepresented in STEM jobs it's a problem, but the fact that women are overrepresented in colleges doesn't matter?

90:10 ratio cannot be explained simply as, "Men are lazy, women did it better"

The thing is, that when there are 70-30 splits in too many colleges, that DOES leave a large and noticeable gap in education. If only 2% of all applicants accepted to like Yale or Harvard are men, that means that there is a 5:2 female to male ratio, that is unbalanced and WILL create a larger social gap between men

Er, sorry. The, should I say, fallen expectations?

So basically you're arguing against sex-based affirmative action? Good. But anyways:

And this is what I was worried about. Decriminalizing something to save money, especially in violent crimes, WILL cause a regression of the legal system.

Yes, you'd just get 900 people arrested in 2010 out of jail across the entire US.