
So they never took into consideration the lifestyle of the families? There are more variables than just genes and that really does need to be considered, especially if you're asserting that there is a 'skinny gene', I'd really like better results and more narrow research aspects.

Apple has never been my favorite company and I criticize them a lot, but damn if I don't at least respect the man.

It's a natural (well, not so natural, but you get my point) phenomenon the same way that math and science are mostly dominated with men. There are more women in writing than men.

...oh. Time for me to go find a sense of humor.

"they'd gain about 125,000 pounds per year"

While it's certainly not post-racial, your 2nd point makes no sense at all.

I absolutely abhor these kinds of people. Someone tried giving me this shit through IQ test scores and basically wouldn't listen to reason. Instead he kept saying that the only thing that matter was that it was someone's race made them dumb.

Pro tip: Affirmative action based on gender and race has been illegal since 1996 in California. So, the percentages now are a good reflection based on the UC's and other California campus's wishes in a student.

If the Firefox team just did the same thing that Chrome did it would be so much better. I love Firefox and it's my main browser, but come on, Chrome did it right.

That's not strict, that's draconian. 1st bullying offense leads to suspension? That's nuts.

We weren't allowed to wear football uniforms around school. Actually, just about EVERY single sport uniform was not allowed in school except shorts and a shirt.

Girls in my school are allowed to wear their cheerleading uniforms...but that may simply be because the uniforms have even the most pious people satisfied, since just about everything except hair is covered.

It's actually against Islam to call someone Akbar.

You know, it's funny. I'm a US Resident and an Egyptian citizen, yet the only place I ever got patted down in was Germany.

I started puberty at 11 and had a beard when I was 12. I think the shit-excreting glands can activate real fast.

Most kids hit puberty at 11. From what I've been told at least.

I do. Though I haven't played in a band since 8th grade (I'm in 10th now)

I really don't want to get into it, but it's pretentious and patronizing.

I dislike that term a lot, but to mess with him you should have told him that the pyramids were actually built by paid laborers (which the latest studies reveal to be true)

Of course I like solid colors, but only when they're bright. I mean, I love Metro on Windows Phone 7 but this mockup looks horrible. It's something I experienced in my own design, when making a dark solid color, it just looks mediocre and kind of bad, whereas if you use a solid bright color, it's much more