
I guess you never went home.

1. This was me at the beginning of last year. All I can say is, instead of lugging around notebooks and trappers, just keep durable folders that can hold 2 subjects each. Works like a charm and helped me out a lot this years.

And this is how we broken hearts found out we have internet addiction...

I know little snippets and my mom is a professor that teaches it if you want to send me the code or something.

That's actually about how every single prison movie is set up

I have to say as a 14 year old, my weakness is getting a date

Why do they need our credit card and bank account numbers stored? I get getting the payment from the credit card, but what kind of sense says that they should ever get bank account numbers? Why do we have such technological inept people in Congress trying to pass technological laws?

How is this not racism?

D'oh. My bad. I guess I skipped over it.

I don't feel it's been neutral. Of course, our opinions of neutral may be different. My opinion of neutral is not taking sides but presenting the evidence and leaving the commentors/readers to decide. I've seen Jezebel definitely take the accuser's side (I'm sorry, I don't know her name and with slow internet, it's

Wouldn't it be easier to decently and rationally explain that to him rather than...."stick [it] in his pipe and smoke it."?

I don't in any case want to try to give off the impression that I blame the victim in any rape, I simply said that there has to be some point in which in a criminal trial, you have to give leeway to the accuse rapist because there is nothing to incriminate him other than an accusation. I don't treat rape or murder any

I don't mean a DNA evidence or a bruised cervix. I mean, if there's little evidence to even suggest there was sexual contact in the first place, etc. etc.

Eh, it's true if you go on vacation to a country, like, say Egypt. I haven't drank tap water from a place like London or Paris after I moved to America, but I have in Egypt and it regularly causes me to get sick unless it's bottled.

No, it's along with the no evidence part that would make me doubt her. Rape is an incredibly serious crime, and as the justice system goes, "Innocent until proven guilty". I hold evidence up to a pedestal, I need evidence or else I'll doubt any crime. It may have happened, it may not have, but I wouldn't feel

If it helps, I give quite a fair bit of skepticism to any claim if it seems unfounded. That is, if a women reports rape, yet there is absolutely no evidence and she doesn't even seem fazed, I'll not really believe her, and I won't believe someone that accuses another of murder with no evidence either.

The study is what happens with me.

I'm a design geek and proud of it.

I can't take this seriously.

I feel like the creators of the ad are TRYING to be sarcastic.