
While this case definitely is troubling, don't listen to rumors here in CT.

Except for the fact that Global warming has been proven time and time again by scientists, health care IS important, and ethanol is helping us to delay running out of fossil fuels.

That's why I will forever use Ubuntu Studio when using Linux. Or Arch Linux, I've always wanted to try it.

Yeah, I've heard the term used for both nations before, and I know how it is, the US Census considers me white even though I don't identify as white (I'm Egyptian).

I appreciate the pun, and if Persians you mean like Iraqi or Irani? I wouldn't feel comfortable calling that person white, but Syrians are Aryan all the way, and I don't know a single ethnic Jew who isn't white (well, except for one, but he's tan)

I had Ubuntu 8.04 for some time, I never got my wireless working which was why I eventually uninstalled it. I got everything else working well, and I figure newer iterations are a lot better in wireless, but the constant downloading of packages for something as simple as GIMP and then finding out there is something

I actually searched this for you, because I was questionable about it myself. There seems to be some disputes, but this is an interesting discussion I found: []

Does white include Arabs? Cause if so, for a white male I have the shittiest self-esteem ever.

Yes! The US government pretends Arabs don't exist yet Pacific Islanders are on the census! It's crazy.

Feel bad for the actual Africans who aren't black. We'll be damned if we pick white because we aren't and we'll be damned if we pick African-American because we aren't American.

Really? Because whenever I do that, the issue of transgenderism always seems to pop up and then they consistently argue how men and women are only gender terms and females and males are sex terms and it all gets very annoying how people are getting in a fit over words being used the way they have been used since they

No, what happened is that the person who wrote the "study" misrepresented him and quoted him out of context. I don't like Mystery, but he isn't some kind of misogynist, rapist douchebag that people on this site try to brand him as.

Of course it is, but PUA isn't about doing that. It's about making you, or rather an AFC as they call it, more social, more confident, more happy, and just an overall increase in the quality of life. It isn't being coercive and trying to manipulate/insult/dehumanize. Sure, for many, the end result is a "fuck close"

Well, most RATs are created as .exes and since most of those kids are script kiddies, they wouldn't know how to do it.

Growing up in America usually sucks when you're a minority because if you have another language (let's say, perhaps some more obscure language like Swahili or Arabic), you don't really learn it here, and while it doesn't represent everyone, most people end up wanting their children to understand their native language,

Unfortunately, it isn't only traditionally. The law has it so Muslim women don't have marriages acknowledged by the religion if they marry someone of another faith and so it would count as fornication.

Wait, Muslims and Americans? Those two can't be together!

That's a ghalabaya! It's why being Muslim is awesome, not Indian. Silly you.

Well obviously there's more than just passwords, but in that case we could talk all about which antivirus (and antispywares) to use, not adding an antivirus, using a firewall and blocking certain ports, TOR, proxies and VPN's, basically the whole shabang.

I have no idea how you have such long winded posts. My advice would have been simply: Think up a word, shift all the keys to the right, then add a number or two, see if you can replace them in the word.