
The moral of this story: Alcohol is fucking bad for you

Hey guys...don't post your emails. This is Giz of all places, I've already found at least 7 on you on Facebook. All we need is your email, DO NOT POST IT HERE IN THE COMMENTS. People with more vicious intentions than me could use them.

I dunno, honestly, while I believe that people can adopt and love their child as much as a biological child, I think it's simply easier to feel a connection with flesh and blood to realize that, "Well, wow, this kid is a part of me and I have a biological need to raise this kid".

I could never be like this guy. If I ever slept around, I'd want to know if I had children, or I'd want a paternity test to see if it was my child. I'd want to take responsibility for the kid because it's my goddamn fault he's in the world and he's my responsibility.

It was supposed to be a lighthearted joke :(

My current laptop was $400. New. 4 GB RAM, 320 GB HD drive, integrated graphics though, and a 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium processor.

Aw shoot, I'm allergic to wheat...

I'm not surprised that Toxic is #44.

No, if you have a star, replying approves/promotes that comment. Simple mistake for people who are new to having a star.

Being Catholic is about being part of the Church.

I have one question. While there is no doubt in my mind that many women do not report rape, how do studies even begin to form an accurate number of women raped in the country? It seems impossible, and nothing in my mind comes up that would be a good marker.

Girls may have caught on but the majority still fall for it. There are those intelligent enough to call guys out on gaming them.

Depends the extent. Designing a website with PS takes years, creating it with HTML and CSS could take a year if you want to be proficient, if you want things like PHP and Javascript it would take around 3 years. Not sure about maintaining one though.

That's not always true. My school has about 2000 students, 1 is openly gay, if there are others that I don't know about, it isn't more than 5.

I've never used them, but I've heard good stuff about HostGator.

Heh, I had started on forums actually. I wrote a fanfiction for the very first piece of mine that I did for fun which was a few thousand words, then I ended up hating the story so I just scrapped it altogether. Then when I actually did try the novel I got couldn't get passed the first chapter because I didn't know

Actually, despite my common first name, I am the only one with my first and last name as a combination.

I actually stopped, I had attempted to write a novel but I've always had trouble with focusing so I ultimately settled with tagging (in the GFX meaning) and web design.

People who argue against this seem to forget that credit card companies are just that, companies. They are businesses and as such, they aim for a profit. They lend money, and the only way they can make sure that the money gets back to them, is by making sure that someone has an income to pay with. It isn't aimed at

I read the first one, and I like what was being conveyed, but it wasn't good literature. Nothing too good, it's a lot like stuff I was writing when I was 11 (to be fair though, I was like a literary protege at that time compared to anyone my age).