
It makes no difference. Weed does more than just giving you munchies which seems to be the only similarity shown here and that is not why weed is illegal in most places.

I wasn't quite sure of her point either but I think she meant that she had the choice to report it even against all odds.

Blame the juries. In most cases, it is ultimately up to the jury to decide, and in recent years, people have grown to have this misconception that you're lying without forensic evidence and if they do have forensic evidence then you must have done it (even if you are innocent)

Maybe you easily decrease your intake of weed, but for actual addicts, they don't care how much money they have, they have a NEED for drugs. They'll steal, ignore their own situation, etc. just to have more drugs.

Torture is a human rights violation. And let's not forget that a lot of those who do get tortured don't even know anything. They're more likely small fries who were picked up from off the streets just to be able to know that they'll be another meal sometime in the future.

That's basically what any history course in school will tell you. AP US History tells you that, 8th grade US History tells you that...etc etc

camel shagger = a racist remark to Arabs

I'm not saying it's horrific assault, I don't think that this should be prosecutable, but the fact remains, it's the exact same action.

#6 is actually extremely racist.

Faster than the current DSL I'm running on. I got 0.39 mbps from speednet at the highest and 0.20 at the lowest.

Technically, it is. The only difference is past trauma, which you really can't tell by the way they look.

I hear it all the time from Republicans and my own family. My own family usually to say well-educated, faithful (in terms of religion), and our nationality.

Is that what I got across? My mistake. I know there are more reasons, I simply believe that we can simplify it to pleasure, procreation, and reconciliation. That's just for simplicity's sake, since arguing something like this has too many technicalities to fully argue them. Of course I may just be biased because I

I guess we view things differently then, because in my opinion, a government (let's talk just about democracies, it makes things easier) is made up of those who are representative of the people. Whether the individual members are male or female shouldn't really matter because their views should be representative of

I guess we will have to agree to disagree, but I'd still like to know how it favors patriarchy, if you don't mind. My understanding of patriarchy is that men would be favored in society (at least, this is what I've been told, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), whereas placing the right of a fetus to life over the

My apology, I guess I didn't write it but I meant in the case where there will be significant health problems through giving birth.

Because female genital mutilation is designed to remove sexual inheritance and can actually cause a whole plethora of problems. While giving birth can do the same thing (the plethora of problems), most people usually admit that it's fine for an abortion in this case. One is designed to subjugate women, another is to

I think it's just horrible that you liken female genital mutilation to female pro-lifers.

...7. Bigoted questionnaires?

This may have been okay if this was a good photo. It is not.